School News

Student Home Internet Program

The student home internet program can provide internet access to students who do not have reliable home internet, so they can continue to learn and study at home.  

Find out more about the program and how parents and carers can apply by visiting the department’s website.  

Free home internet access for students (

Free home internet access for students

Students can request free home internet access if they don't have suitable internet at home.



All students are required to wear the correct Magill School uniform. UMS are the suppliers of the Magill School uniform.  All Magill uniform items are available from the Glynde store and online. UMS offer free delivery of purchases to Magill School.



Shop 12

 161-167 Glynburn Road, 

Firle SA  5070 

0431 771 260


Safe Parking

For the safety of students, parents are not permitted to park in staff carparks. This includes the admin carpark (Adelaide Street), OSHC car park (Magill Road), Penfold carpark (Penfold Street) and Dental carpark (Park Street). Parents are not to park in these carparks when picking up students from after school activities eg dance classes, sports practice and OSHC. 


Please observe the parking signs when picking up or dropping off your child/children to and from school. Be courteous to our neighbours and do not park in or over their driveways at any time. 


The Burnside Council patrols the school zone regularly and will issue fines. 

Magill Road Crossing update

Since the return to school, we have been able to have the Department for Transport and Infrastructure extend the timings on our Magill Road Crossing. This has helped dramatically with allowing more flow and volumes of families across at one time. This is a very busy crossing, especially of an afternoon, when everyone is leaving around the same time. The changes in lengthening the crossing time have helped to improve safety, however, there are a significant number of families crossing outside of the designated and marked crossing with little to no time left on the countdown timer. This poses significant risk and danger with cars not being able to clearly see pedestrians and motorists being given a green light to now drive through the crossing. This is an accident waiting to happen!


Parents and families must cross through the designated and marked area and not straight ahead from the end of the driveway. Please walk, be patient and your safe time for crossing will arrive before long. We want to role model safe practices for our students and children and we urge everyone to please play their part in keeping us all safe!

Landscaping at Magill School Entrance

Landscaping works has commenced on the corner of Penfold and Magill Roads. This will enhance the area and provide a safe and easy access to the school entrance. There will be landscaping works to beautify the area making it an enjoyable area for the school community to use. 


It is estimated that works on this area will conclude towards the end of Term 1. 


We thank you for your patience.



Library bags available to purchase

Calico library bags are available to purchase via QKR for $5.00. 


School of Languages