Secondary Notices

Important Dates for Term 4


28th November – 2 Dec

Week of Wellbeing


2nd December

Calrossy Cattle Judging Day


6th December

Wiburb Shield Cricket


7th December

Christmas Carols Night


8th December

Secondary Presentation Day

WCC Hall

8.45am start     

Year 9 Final Assembly and Farewell


Our Calrossy Year 9 students had a week of celebrations and milestones with their dinner and final assembly held last week. It was a great way for these students and families to farewell the William Cowper Campus as they prepare for Senior Secondary in 2023.




There is a full photo gallery available on The HUB.






Congratulations to Shannon Attwell in Year 9 who was the recipient of this year's Year 9 Values Award, for living out the School values everyday during the year.


She received the award from last year's recipient Chloe O'Brien. 




Year 9 Leaders for 2023

Congratulations to the 2023 Year 9 leaders they are as follows:


Jack Kelly                                            Leaders

Bronte Gillan                                      Leaders


Angus Redgwell                                SRC

Claire Fisher                                       SRC


House leaders


Cuthbert                                               Oliver Thomas/Daisy Timmins-Bartlett

Hamlin                                                   Charley Pickens/Bridie Yeo

Nicholls                                                 Eva Hayes/Rebecca Sams

Sheean                                                  Dylan Ginman/Claire Dowe


Year 10 Pathways Assembly

At Calrossy one of our aims as a school community is to help empower young men and women to make a positive contribution in the world, by providing pathways for them to explore their interests and opportunities for the future. This week several Year 10 and 11 students received their Calrossy Pathways Certificate as they embark on various pursuits beyond school, including a number of apprenticeships, study at TAFE and employment.


We wish them well and are extremely proud of these students as they embark on life beyond school. Interestingly, some were absent today, as their work committments have already kicked in. Congratulations to Charlie Barber, William Filla, Joshua Mureau, Ebony Bloom, Nicholas Palmer, Ryan Knee, Jamie Burford O-Brien and Sam Sawyer.


Congratulations Olivia Gavel

We received some exciting news last week that Calrossy 2022 Yr 12 student Olivia Gavel's HSC Visual Arts Major had been selected for inclusion in ArtExpress as part of the 2023 HSC Showcase season.

Olivia's work titled "Monsters Under the Bed" is a series of sculptures using skulls, steel, knitted and crochet textiles and was based on experiences exploring personal spaces. Congratulations to Olivia and her teacher Glendon Fletcher on this outstanding achievement.


Calrossy in Concert

Calrossy in Concert was amazing! Coral ensembles, solo's, rock bands, duets, creative dance groups and so much more. Special thanks to Mrs Naomi Tuner, Head of Music at Calrossy for organising such an entertaining evening. There are more photos on The HUB


Year 9 Market Day


Yr 9 Food Technology

Check out the amazing creations our Yr 9 Food Technology class made as part of their recent assessment task.  Their brief was to design and make a special occasion cake from scratch and then decorate it.  We think you will agree, they look fantastic and nailed the brief. 


Secondary Presentation Day