Junior School Notices

Assembly Awards

Swim and Survive: We have had two wonderful weeks at the pool - thank you to Mrs Mooney and the wonderful teachers. Before the end of term, students and parents will receive a feedback certificate. 


Whole School Carols: Carols is a compulsory part of the School Calendar for students in Kinder to Year 11. It is hosted on Wednesday 7th December in the WCC Hall. All students perform as part of the Carols evening, and it is a beautiful formal evening of lessons and carols. From 5pm the P&F will be offering a BBQ Dinner for a 6:30pm Carols Service, concluding by 7:30pm. 


Library Borrowing: Library borrowing has finished for the year as the annual stock take will begin this week. If you have any outstanding books, they must be returned to the Library ASAP. 


VACATION CARE: Esteem is providing Vacation Care as follows, please contact  William to book. Details below. 

  • Friday 9th December through to Friday 16th December
  • Monday 9th January through to Monday 30th January 


Christmas Celebrations: Our students enjoy sharing Christmas Cards with each other at this time of the year and it is a lovely thing to do. Cards can be shared at any stage, but we ask that any food treats to be shared between children (candy canes, chocolate treats), be left until Wednesday 7th December to be shared. Thank you for your understanding.


Dates for your Diary: 

  • Wednesday 30th November end of year Prep Concert 10.00am
  • Thursday 1st December Year 6 Dinner
  • Friday 2nd December, JS Christmas Service
  • Friday 2nd December Year 6 Assembly, after lunch
  • Tuesday 6th December, Year 6 Picnic Day
  • Wednesday 7th December, Mufti Day (Christmas themed)
  • Wednesday 7th December, Whole School Carols, evening
  • Thursday 8th December, Junior School Presentation Day 11:30am

Hope in a Suitcase

For the past Term, the Junior School SRC have been sorting and packing items donated from our School community for children in the Tamworth area who are entering into Foster Care or changing Forster Care homes. Often these children enter these situations with no personal possessions and these suitcases are designed to give them a suitcase of their very own belongings, such as pyjamas, toiletries and a few changes of clothes.



Our Junior School families generously donated thousands of dollar’s worth of items to the Tamworth Branch of Hope in a Suitcase. We made 5 (7-8yrs) boys suitcases, 5 (7-8) girls, 5 (10-12) boys and 6 (10-12) girls suitcases.


The SRC’s goal was to fill 2 suitcases, instead we filled 21. We used money from their own fundraising to pay for the 21 suitcases. SRC are very pleased to be supporting the lives of the children who need this support in and around Tamworth.




Junior School Lifesaving program


Our Junior School students have all enjoyed their Lifesaving Program weeks at Calrossy.  The students travelled to Scully Park and were able to learn water safety basics which is especially important coming into Summer.  A big thank you to all of our Yr 9 Secondary students who helped out with the activities.

There are two photo galleries now on The HUB.  Click here

Calrossy Christmas Carols Service


Junior School Presentation Day

Contacting the Junior School


The easiest way to contact the Junior School is via email or phone juniorschool@calrossy.nsw.edu.au or 5776 5100 and press #2. 


Please check the Junior School Notices on the HUB, they are updated by Sunday evening each week. https://thehub.calrossy.nsw.edu.au/homepage/3243 Summit Kids Club