Student Leadership News

SCC updates and events

World Wildlife Day (WWD) at CSPS was a huge success. Thankyou to those families who donated towards our fundraiser. The money raised will be donated to the Royal Botanical Gardens in Cranbourne to support the movement to sustain all life on Earth, along with vital water conservation and biodiversity research.


World Wildlife Day was celebrated in 2023 under the theme "Partnerships for wildlife conservation."  CSPS jumped on the bandi-wagon to promote awareness and understandings towards the Southern Brown Bandicoot that habitats within Botanic Ridge. Thankyou to all the students who joined in to celebrated WWD. It was great to see lots of different fauna and flora around the school. 

Easter Bonnet Parade/ Pyjama Day

The Royal Children’s Hospital runs the Good Friday Appeal, supporting children and families in need. The Good Friday Appeal helps the hospital deliver the best possible care to patients.


For a gold coin donation, students can support this day by coming to school on Wednesday, 5 April dressed in their favourite pyjamas. The funds will be donated to the Royal Children’s hospital. 


As part of this day, CSPS will be holding an Easter Bonnet Parade on the new multipurpose hard court area. Students are encouraged to come to school with an Easter bonnet hat so that they can participate in the fun. The parade will begin at 9:15am- all families/carers are welcome to attend the parade.

ANZAC Day merchandise

The School Community Captains will be selling ANZAC Day merchandise for a gold coin donation. Students will be able to purchase these on the last week of Term 1 and the first week of Term 2 (Due to the timing of school holidays these purchases are happening earlier than usual):

  • Monday 3 April and Friday 7 april
  • Monday, 24 April and Friday, 28 April

It would be greatly appreciated if you can contribute to this great cause. Please note, ANZAC Day merchandise donations are a cash donation only (not QKR) as the funds are given straight to the RSL.