Principal Class News

Compass Calendar of Events

Each and every day, we hold in our hands the duty of care of all humans that enter and exit the school.  We do not take this for granted and we are vigilant in ensuring secure and strong processes are in place.

Each and every event we hold a Risk Assessment meeting to ascertain risk including what measures and controls need to be in place to ensure everyones safety.  We do not cut corners in this process and if in doubt, we side on caution rather then assume natural compliance.

An example of such would be a large, whole school event that has unstructured elements eg. Colour Run.

We ask that any event where you wish to pick up your child early has pre Principal approval.

On the day requests will only be granted from the Principal class and based on extenuating circumstances.

Asking for an on the day request will be met with the same answer from all staff and/or PFA leaders.  

Please be considerate in the manner in which you communicate about this crucial duty of care matter.

Monique Corcoran and Karen Halket







Pupil Free Days

Term 2

  • Week 1:  Monday 24th April (ANZAC Day 250423)
  • Week 7:  Friday 9th June (QB'd 120622)

Term 3 - Week 7:  Friday 25th August

Term 4 - Week 11:  Monday 11th December

Working Bee - Saturday 1st April

CSPS will be holding a working bee on Saturday 1 April. Please come down from 8.00am to 1.00pm to help out.  Please see the Buildings and Grounds page for further details!

Child Safe updates

Pre Review School Evaluation (PRSE):  Parent Survey

Have you completed the PRSE Parent survey?  A HUGE thank you to the parents who registered for and attended the workshop on Thursday 9th March.  Thank you to our School Council President and parent members who ran this session. We received some great feedback that will be extremely useful as we head into the School Review and writing the new four year Strategic Plan.


There are still two ways you can provide feedback to the school.

  1. Complete the survey using the QR code attached below OR
  2. Write your answers on the easels out the front of the gallery each afternoon next week.

We are looking for answers to the following questions:

  • Why did you choose CSPS for your child/ren?       
  • What does CSPS do well in relation to learning and wellbeing?  
  • What is a CSPS highlight over the past 4 years?
  • Where would you like to see CSPS in 4 years’ time?
  • What improvements can CSPS make to get to that vision? (What are the key topics/concerns?)

Contacting the school 

There are a variety of avenues families can use to ask questions or queries. 

  1. Email the classroom teacher - all classroom teachers email addresses are their first name and initial of their last ie
  2. Seesaw - the Seesaw app has a message function that allows parents to directly contact the classroom teacher
  3. The school email -  Administration staff will forward your query to the person who could best help you.

Your query will be addressed within 48 working hours. All urgent queries please contact the Office.