The audience for "Come here and say it"


On Friday 10th March,  six of our highly talented students recited their own poetry and sang their own compositions in front of an extremely receptive audience of students from all year levels in the library.  It was wonderful to witness the courage and confidence of our students in sharing their at times very personal and thoughtful reflections and to see how supportive our students can be of others when exposing their vulnerability.  The calibre of our students performances was outstanding and we will definitely be running more poetry performances throughout the year to further showcase our students' talents.   The performers were:

  • Jada Pinkett - Year 12 "Untitled"
  • Abbie Liptrot - Year 10 "Girl Code 101" by Blythe Baird
  • Ellen Sharkey - Year 7 "The girl becomes gasoline"
  • Mia Brittain and Maxine Palmerson - Year 11 - vocal duet of Mia's original composition with Mia also providing acoustic guitar accompaniment, "Breathless"
  • Jay Curtis - Year 11, "Official endorsement"


Supplementary to the physical collection, our Library provides free access to approximately 1400 eBooks. The Library is running an eBook promotion where students can email the title of the eBook they have borrowed, the name of someone they've shown how to borrow eBooks and the title of the eBook that person has borrowed.  Winners will receive books and chocolate and the competition will be drawn after the Easter holidays.  To borrow eBooks, sign in on the Library's eBook platform page using your Compass login. 


It's free to download the ePlatform eBook reading app to optimise your experience on devices such as iPhones and iPads.








Please don't hesitate to seek help from the Library staff should you have any questions or require help.