PYP News

Fun with Simple Machines Unit of Inquiry
(4 photos in this gallery)
Today we were very privileged to have David and Susan Rowe visit us from Fusion and help us learn hands on about how pulleys work! Every child in Prep Flinn and Prep/1 Curè was given the opportunity to put on a harness and helmet and be hoisted up to the basketball hoop using a pulley and the strength of their classmates! They even lifted a teacher!
Prep teacher Mrs Flinn
Year 3 Sleepover
(5 photos in this gallery)
Grade 3 students camped overnight in their classroom last week!
Open Communication Forum for PYP Parents
As parents we often read things in emails/newsletters or hear things informally on the grapevine ... but its often great to have an opportunity to hear about things directly from the top - from the horse's mouth, so to speak.
So the school is holding an Open Communication Forum on Thursday 13th September 3:30-5:00pm in the Lower Hall.
Hot drinks and snacks will be provided, if childcare would be helpful, please email the office on
This will be a great chance to come, listen to Alan and Scott sharing about the school's vision and an opportunity for parents to share concerns or ask questions.
Rachael Honey
PYP Co-ordinator
Advance Notice: Primary Schools' Dance Event
Students practicing the dances (5 photos in this gallery)
Every two years SCC join with other schools across the Southern Region in a large dance event in the Kingborough Sports Centre. There are two sessions, firstly for Primary students followed by Infant students. The students have been learning the dances in Music, PE and with their class teachers. I’m sure that you have heard all about it! The dances are varied: line, small group to larger formation, square dance style. They will dance to a live band and have the creator of the dances and composer of the music, Steven Ray call them. This is such a wonderful way to grow memory capacity, move to a steady beat (aiding reading), understand musical structure, grow physical skills, keep fit (dancing is highly aerobic) and of course, it’s fun! Parents are warmly invited to attend.
The date and times are:
Thursday 20th September
Primary (Years 3 – 6) at 10:50am – 11:50am
Infant (KB – 2) at 12:10pm – 1:10pm
Mrs Maxine Antolli
PYP Music Teacher
Guitar Club
On Wednesdays at Lunchtime in the Lower Hall, Guitar Club is on! Perfect for anyone who wants to learn to play the guitar, or who would like to learn more about it! We have been learning about the strings and the Em chord and accompanied ourselves with two songs and am thrilled with the response so far from our primary students. Those who have guitars at home please keep bringing them in as you are then able to practise what you have learnt! If you have an electric one, don’t forget to bring your small amp as well. I can tune them up whilst you finish eating lunch. See you on Wednesday!
Mrs Antolli
PYP Music Teacher