SCC General Notices

Thank you!!
Last Friday a free dress day was held for Operation Christmas Child's shoebox appeal. $523.45 was raised for postage and 162 shoeboxes were packed! Thank you to all students and families who contributed to this wonderful cause! Well done!
The Tasmanian weather can be extremely variable during Spring (September through to November). Because of this, we are happy for students to wear socks with winter pinafores or move into summer dresses on appropriately warm days. Please be alert to special days where we may require a particular uniform. In late-November/early-December, we will move to summer uniform for all students.
Annual Report
Copies of the Southern Christian College Annual Report for 2017 are available online through the College website ( or in hard copy from the College office.
Parking at SCC
Parents are reminded that areas outside the gymnasium and along the road at the top of the school are NOT designated parking areas as we have many students still moving between these areas and other classrooms at the end and start of the day. Please also be mindful not to park in a way that narrows the road leading up to the gymnasium. Thank you for your assistance with safe parking around our school!
Concert Band
Concert Band is on this Thursday (tomorrow). We will be practicing for Monday’s assembly.
UTAS Southern Colleges Wind Ensemble
Next Friday the 14th of September we will be traveling to the University to hear to the Southern Wind Ensemble play. This ensemble has an amazing repertoire to perform this year and features our own Hilary Baxter, a former student of Southern Christian College. We will be leaving the school at 12:20pm and will return by 2:30pm.
Mrs Belinda McDermott
DP & MYP Music
The next full school assembly will be held on Monday 10th September at 9am.
P&F Meeting
This will be held next Monday 10th September in the staff room at SCC.
It will start at 7pm. All are welcome!
Also note that the Annual General Meeting of the P&F will take place in October. Date to be advised.
First Steps into Learning
September is Fruit and Vegetable month!
LOST!!! Have you seen this Pendant?
This pendant was lost by a grandparent approximately two weeks ago, it may have been dropped/fallen in the carpark. Please keep your eye out for it because it is a precious pendant to her.
Thank you!
Please see the last page of the newsletter for important dates for 2018. Events and dates are added and updated from time to time so please check the important dates page regularly.