P.E & Health News

I am so incredibly grateful to have all of our students back in P.E and Health this Term! I am also immensely proud of how well the students have embraced face to face P.E and Health since they have returned! They have readapted seamlessly back into our routines and enthusiastically approached all of the new skills we are learning. I have heard countless stories of how families remained physically active and were promoting healthy living whilst in our remote learning period including family walks, bike rides, mini basketball matches, kicking the footy, lounge room dance parties, cooking together, mindful coloring breaks, kind letters to extended relatives and so much more. I send my heartfelt thank you and gratitude to all of you for your amazing efforts in supporting a healthy active lifestyle from home. 


This term in all of the year levels we are focusing on creating a learning environment that encourages engagement, connection, inclusion, curiosity and kindness.  The skills and understanding that we are developing in each of the year levels includes: 


Prep: Fundamental movement skills- Catch, Throw & Kick

Grade 1/2: Striking- Tennis, Hockey, Cricket, Badminton & T-Ball

Grade 3/4: Creating their own invasion game

Grade 5/6: A season of invasion games- End ball, Ultimate Frisbee, Handball & Soccer


Some of the Grades have also had the opportunity to participate in Health lessons which they are completing with fantastic curiosity. The Grade 2s are discussing Nutrition and Safety, whilst the Grade 5/6s are learning about the extremely interesting topic of puberty. 


We have not only been having fun in class, we have also been having a ball at lunchtimes. The Grade 6 House Captains have been demonstrating their excellent leadership skills by running lunchtime physical activities such as Table Tennis, Soccer, Octopus and Down Ball. Students from all year levels have been having a great time joining in and displaying amazing sportsmanship. 


The announcement of some community sports starting up soon stirs great excitement, watch this space for opportunities to get involved. 


Talk soon,

Miss. Minton