School News 

Prep News

This week our Preps have been enjoying learning about money! We've been pretend shopping and learning about the value of different coins. Our Writing focus has been to create Information Reports about an animal. In Reading, we've been asking questions before reading non-fiction books. After reading, students have been sharing all the new facts they've discovered. As part of our Inquiry into habitats and animals, students have been enjoying dressing up at the Zoo area and taking care of animals at the Vet hospital. 


We've been proud of the way the Preps have developed their stamina to persist with their learning throughout the day. They deserve a lovely, long weekend! 


~ Mrs Hailey & Miss Peirce

Level 1/2

Our Level 1/2 Students have enjoyed exploring 2D and 3D shapes. We also LOVED celebrating Book Week on Thursday the 22nd of October.

Our classrooms are a very busy place at the moment and we'd like to thank our wonderful parents and families for their support during the transition back to school. 

Enjoy another long weekend!

Teagan Cairns

Level 3/4 

The Level 3/4 students have made a fabulous return to school and are back into their learning routines. It is so lovely to see each other again and spend some face to face time with our friends! 


We are all adjusting to being back at school, it's quite a change after so much time at home. We have included some photos of the awesome students in the Level 3/4 Gallery. Please take the long weekend to rest, relax and recuperate. Remember to get plenty of sleep, drink lots, eat delicious food and most importantly have fun!


 Enjoy your well-deserved break everyone! 

 The Level 3/4 Team 

Carolyn Allan, Clare McCandlish, Llinos Poole and Vanessa Saffin!

Level 5/6

Our Level 5/6 Students are well-accustomed to the classroom environment once again. They have been enjoying spending time with their friends out in the schoolyard and returning to face-to-face learning with their teachers.


In Maths, we have been revising concepts using the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) and continuing to develop our problem-solving abilities.


In Writing, we have been working on persuasive writing and how to structure a strong paragraph using the PEEL (point of view, evidence, evaluation, and link). We have begun developing persuasive letters on what we believe should be implemented or improved in our school.


In Reading, we have been making connections (text-to-self, text-to-text, and text-to-world), inferences using text clues to draw conclusions, and asking questions before, during, and after reading. 


We all thoroughly enjoyed our Book Week dress-up day and congratulate Connor Hartley (as Hagrid), and Emily Williams and Shia Daniels (as Thing 1 and Thing 2) on winning prizes for their creative outfits.


We are coming to the end of our Greek Gods and Heroes project-based Inquiry focus and are looking forward to beginning our Pinball Machine project-based Inquiry focus on November 9th. We would like to thank Mr Bradley for organising this great learning opportunity and we are very excited for what is to come!


The Level 5/6 Team:

Brendan Van Haaster, Mel Layton, Rachel Boyle, Damien Smith and Mykaela Hodgett.

Australian Maths Competition 


Selected students from Grade 3-6 participated in the 'Australian Maths Competition' on Friday October 16th. This is the second competition these students have been involved in this year. I would like to thank all the students for showing determination and persistence in completing the 30-question competition. Each question required them to problem solve and show off their mathematical thinking. I was very proud of each and every student for participating and they will continue to be given opportunities to extend themselves in the area of Mathematics in the future. Each student received a score and a certificate of participation. 

Well done everyone!

Damien Smith