Sports News

Faction Sports Carnival

The children have been working very hard learning their team games and completing all the field events before the end of term. The Faction Sport Carnival will be held on Thursday, 11 October. Please return permission slips to your child’s class teacher. The Faction Carnival Program is attached. The full program will be available to view on the Library window .

With Sports Day fast approaching (11 October), here are some reminders for all of us. Parents love to see their child succeed, yet we must encourage our children, win or lose, that the Sport Carnival is meant to be fun for everyone.

  1. Assist them in setting realistic goals for participation.
  2. Emphasise and reward effort rather than results.
  3. Be a healthy role model for your child by being positive and relaxed
  4. Provide a healthy perspective to help children understand success and failure.

We are looking forward to a wonderful day of track events and team games.

Athletics Trials

On Tuesday, students in Years 3-6 travelled to Noranda to complete their trials for the track events for our Sports Carnival next term. Year 5 and Year 6 also competed in the 800m event. Congratulations to the following place getters for this long-distance race:


Year 5 Girls: 1st Tiana, 2nd Emily, 3rd Jacinta, 4th Grace H

Year 5 Boys: 1st Alex, 2nd Leo, 3rd Ben, 4th Luke

Year 6 Girls: 1st Zoe, 2nd Siena B, 3rd Elena, 4th Ella Mc

Year 6 Boys: 1st Ethan, 2nd Marc, 3rd Kye, 4th Frankie


Students also competed in the long jump finals. Each competitor had a practice jump and then two jumps for measurement. A very big thank you to Sharon Suckling, Luis Mendoza, Amanda Cipriani, Lisa Bolton, Afroditi Bolzonella and Maria La Cava and all the parents who ensured that students completed their event with great efficiency.

Running Club

Running Club will continue in Term 4 but will be held on Tuesday mornings commencing 9 October. Hope to see our regular runners and new faces there, 8.00am at Waverley Reserve.

Swimming Club

Expression of Interest Forms for a Yr 3-6 Swimming Club went home this week. If your child is able to swim 25m they are welcome to join us, Wednesday mornings at Chisholm College during Term 4.


Mrs Jodie Stewart

Physical Education Teacher