What's Happening at OLA!


The Pre-Kindergarten children listened to a God story called, ‘Jesus Calms the Sea’. The teacher told the bible story using peg puppet people and felt props and afterwards, the children discussed the story. The children thought there was a message in the story, and agreed that Jesus wants us to know, if we need help, we can ask Him to help us.


We had lots of helpers to weed and water the vegetable garden. We pulled out the rocket which had gone to seed and put the old plants in the bin. After weeding, we planted some leeks and capsicum plants. Then we watered and fertilised the garden bed.


During Term 3, the children and teachers have been developing a project using wood scraps. The children created a structure using wood and glue and later added natural materials to enhance the structure. There were lots of towers, houses, some coffee houses, an aeroplane, a shopping conveyer belt and many more inventions! The wooden structures are near completion now. The children are proud of their efforts and so are the teachers. Well done everyone!

Mrs Petkovic


This term in Kindy, we have been learning about minibeasts. The children have learnt so much about different insects and their body parts, how they find food and where they live. Last week, we invited Fleur from Spineless Wonders to bring in a whole truckload of minibeasts to get up close and personal with. The children were able to hold a giant cockroach, stick insects, beetles and bugs. They were also able to look at a glow in the dark scorpion, a huntsman spider and even a tarantula! There were also so many beautiful butterflies to see.  There was just so much to see and touch.  It was awesome!

Mrs Fruvall and Mrs Taylor

Year 1

On Friday 7 September, the Year Ones went on an excursion to Scitech to learn more about the weather and seasons, day and night, and light concepts. In the Planetarium, we explored the solar system and watched the Tilt Show. The show was about seasons and weather in different parts of the world. We also watched the Things That Glow Show. The Scitech presenter popped three balloons with fire, put fire on her hand, made slinkies glow in the dark and showed us how to make shadows.


We had lots of fun exploring and playing in the exhibition area. We got to pull our own weight up on a chair, feel rainbow coloured sand, play with fluorescent stamps and markers to create patterns and designs in the dark, pull pulley system weights and use technology to problem solve. We had an awesome day and learnt so much!

Miss Saraceni and Mrs Ravi

Year 3

The Year 3s recently had a visit from fire fighters from the Malaga station. We learnt about what we should do during a fire and how to be fire safe around the home. We saw one of the fire fighters all dressed up in his fire fighting gear. We then went outside and checked out the fire truck and all the equipment they store. The ladders are so long they can reach the roof of our school! 


In Maths, we are learning about volume and capacity. We investigated how the same amount of water looks different in different containers. We practised our measuring skills using big tubs of water and containers of different sizes. We may have got just a little bit wet!

Mrs Tollis and Mrs Pilatti

Year 5

We can't believe it is the end of Term 3 already.  It has been a wonderful and rewarding term.  We were all very excited to hear that our musical had actually won the Shield for the Performing Arts Festival.  We were very proud of ourselves and grateful to Jasmine (Matilda) for collecting it on our behalf.


Just because it is the last week of term doesn't mean Ms Knight and Mr McIntyre have let us off easy.  We are working really hard in class with a Maths Budgeting Project to upgrade the classroom.  Ms Knight and Mr McIntryre have said we can use the left over wish list money to upgrade our classroom furniture.  It requires researching and sourcing products, working out GST, scaling of furniture to make sure it all fits and lots of design.  It is hard work, but a lot of fun too. Can't wait to see which things they actually buy.


A big congratulations to Alexia in 5M for her small world diorama of her suggested upgrade to 5M. Your attention to detail blew us all away! Here are some photos of her great work:

In Religion, we have read the book of Exodus, it is very long.  It is the Bible story about Moses and how God chose him to lead the Israelites out of Egypt and slavery.  We read the story, broke it into sections, created collages for each part and wrote summaries.  Our next job is to convert it into an iMovie.  We hope to show the iMovie on Friday.

Ms Knight and Mr McIntyre

Write a Book in a Day

Earlier this term, a team of enthusiastic students spent a creative day writing a book to raise money for The Kids’ Cancer Project. The of ten students from Years 5 and 6 worked for 12 hours (from 8.00am to 8.00pm) to write a 2500 word book called, Hacked! All published books from the competition are available in the hospital libraries for sick children to read.  


Our OLA team, named, Team Tag Tales, which was created from the first letter of each team member’s name, had to write a whole book with parameters which included characters, a social issue and specific words.  Our story had to include a tourist, a computer hacker, and a mobile phone and had to include a driving test. We really enjoyed eating all the food and lollies that were provided, but our favourite part was actually creating the book - from brainstorming and planning, writing chapters, editing, illustrating and then getting to see it published at the end. 


Overall, we really enjoyed Write a Book in a Day.  It was a long day but we are really proud of our hard work and that we created a complete book in one day.

Ms Mitchell