Principal's Message

A Prayer for the End of Term

Loving Father, 

as we come to the end of another term

we turn to you in confidence 

and place any difficult relationships

into the healing hands of Jesus, your Son. 


Enable us to leave behind any pain of the past

and any regrets or bitterness, 

entrusting the past to your mercy, 

the present to your love, 

and the future to your providence. 

Help us appreciate more

the need to keep a good balance in our lives.


May the holiday be for us a time of rest and recreation

to help restore us and re-create us 

in your image and likeness, 

as we enjoy more of the love and presence 

of our families, 

on whom we ask your blessing.


Swimming Lessons PP - Year 3

Last week, parents of children in Pre-Primary to Year 3 would have received information about Swimming Lessons commencing in Term 4. Please see the attached documents for the enrolment form and information letters from Mrs Stewart. If you have any queries, please contact Mrs Stewart via email

Assistant Principal Appointment

I take this opportunity to advise you all that Michael Morris has been appointed as the Assistant Principal (Digital Transformation) at OLA commencing January 2019.


Michael has been a leader and educator in our system for over 20 years. During this time he has held many roles and is currently the Assistant Principal at Brighton Catholic Primary School. In 2018, he was appointed as the Acting Principal for a semester to replace the current principal whilst he went on long service leave.


As the Assistant Principal, he has been a leader and driver in ‘Innovation and Digital Technologies’, which has included supporting staff with curriculum change and implementation, overseeing the school's 1:1 program, budgeting and strategic planning. Another major focus of his role has been to support staff not only with the curriculum implementation, but also empowering teachers to use technology to improve pedagogy. He is a leader with innovation and technology and Principals from neighbouring Catholic schools have sent their staff to Brighton to gain an insight into how they can best use technology in the classroom and as a school. A number of schools have adopted and implemented Brighton’s strategies to increase learning - Michael has been one of the main drivers.


The CEWA Leading Lights Team and Microsoft have also directly consulted with Michael and his staff in regards to the functionality of the Leading Lights suite. Michael has been involved in the CEWA Studio Curious Project (Project Based Learning), CEWA Deep Learning Initiative and was selected for the pilot group of the CEWA Talent ID Leadership Project.


We look forward to welcoming Michael to the OLA community in 2019.

Regional Spelling Bee

On Friday, 12 October, two students from Years 3 - 6 will be representing OLA at the Regional Spelling Bee. After an exciting in-class Spell Off, the following students have been selected:

Year 3 - Kylie and James H

Year 4 - Isabella and Prashanth

Year 5 - Tahlia and Daniel

Year 6 - Tahlia and Frankie


We know you will represent OLA with pride, good luck!

Term 4 Calendar

Please see the attached PDF for next term's calendar. For the most recent updates, refer to the interactive calendar on our website.


Over the last term we have been monitoring the finishing times of assemblies. We appreciate that some families need to leave at 3.05pm so we will be starting assemblies at 2.15pm commencing next term to ensure we finish on time.


Dates for the assemblies next term are as follows:

- 26 October - Year 2 Assembly

- 9 November - Year 4 Assembly

- 23 November - Pre-Primary Assembly


Please note: In 2019, each class will be performing an item assembly, not each year level.

Bishop's Catholic Day

Monday 8 October is the Bishop's Catholic Day for OLA staff. Students do not attend school on this day. Term 4 commences for students on Tuesday 9 October.

Have a safe and relaxing holiday break and I look forward to seeing you back for our last term of 2018. God bless.


Greg Martin
