Art in Action

Year 9 Art Adventures students have been exploring Land Art. Given the gorgeous weather, it’s been a great chance to get outside and away from screens; the results are bright, uplifting, and just looking at them will make you feel a sense of calm positivity. 


Year 7 Visual Arts students have been exploring creative thinking strategies - attempting a range of brain-bending challenges broken up with outdoor brain breaks away from screens. This is Flynn Pain’s evocative record of his brain break, where he focussed on three things he could feel, three things he could hear and three things he could smell. 


‘I can feel the soft fur from my cat and the warm short cut grass. I feel the wind blow onto my face. I can hear the birds quietly chirping in the distance, my dog rolling around in the grass, and the leaves softly whistling in the breeze. I smell the bitter scent of the gumtree and the smell of the grass and the smell of the tree's flowers.’