Student Wellbeing 

Self Care

Welcome back to Term 4! As we head back into a new term’s learning, it’s important to take time for self-care. Work/life balance is incredibly important to give yourself time to destress, reflect and rejuvenate so that you can fire on all cylinders when it is time to focus in class or complete that homework or test.

The 4 Pillars of Self-Care (from Me Time by Jessica Sanders)

Respect your physical self

  • Listen to your body when it feels hungry, thirsty, sick or injured
  • Move regularly 
  • Exercise
  • Consume nutritious food
  • Hydrate





Nurture your mental self

  • Acknowledge where you’re at emotionally and mentally
  • Slow down the rushing
  • Find moments to stop and breathe
  • Appreciate moments of learning

Invest in your future self

  • Act in a way that takes care of your body and mind for the future
  • Set goals and enjoy working towards them
  • Save some of your money for a rainy day

Honour your spiritual self

  • Find time to be out in nature
  • Spend time with people who make you feel positive
  • Enjoy mindfulness and breathing practices

Take advantage of The Wellbeing Hub which continues to run online and at school each day!


Yoga Sessions:                     


Personal Training Sessions:!326&ithint=file%2cpptx&authkey=!AMaZzFtjfsKj-Ps!325&ithint=file%2cpptx&authkey=!AHHBuG1487HPDPw


If you have any concerns about your son/daughter and would like support from Wellbeing this term, please don’t hesitate to email us on:

Katrina Katz – Leader of Student Wellbeing

Guiseppe Relia – Social Worker

Sanela Avdic – Social Worker –