Year 12 Celebrations

Final Day October 30

We have been working with the Year 12 students to plan how we will celebrate their achievements over their 13 years of formal education before they head off to study vacation and exams.


Many of the Wantirna College traditions around our celebrations will have to change due to the COVID restrictions and need for social distancing so we will need to be creative. Unfortunately we cannot have outside providers onsite so we have had to think outside the box for what we will do.  The sub school team is meeting with the Year 12 leaders to plan the structure of the day to ensure all students and staff have a positive experience and classes for other year levels can progress uninterupted.


Messy and destructive  'muck up' days are a thing of the past.  At Wantirna we take great pride in the fact that the whole school celebrates with the year 12 students on their last day and we ask our year 12 students to keep this in mind.  

Teddy Bear's Picnic:  Tuesdsay October 20.

Another rite of passage for our students is the wearing of the primary school uniform just before they finish their 13 years of formal schooling.  This is a fun day where students get to look back and remember the joys of childhood.


This year we will be highlighting that theme with a Teddy Cear's Picnic.  Year 12 students are asked to organise a picnic lunch with their core group of friends.  We will all join on the oval (with social distancing circles) for our picnic to reminisce and play the primary school games of downball and hopscotch.


Students are encourage to bring a picnic blanket, their teddy bear and any primary school games they still have access to (jacks, marbles, swap cards, yoyos, elastics, skipping ropes etc).


All events will be held on the lower oval.


Catherine Ford on behalf of the LY team.

Assistant Principal