Principal Team Editorial

Good to be back

Monday marked an important milestone with half of our students and most of our staff returning to onsite learning on Monday, with Year 7s, 11s and 12s and their teachers back in classrooms. Students and staff are happy to be back into their regular routines and Year 12s in particular are enjoying their last few weeks of classes before their exams begin. Moreover, it is pleasing to see that our students have been demonstrating a mature and responsible approach to the increased expectations required this time around.


Our next important milestone occurs on Monday 26th October when the remaining year levels (8, 9 and 10) return to classes onsite. As remote learning winds down, I want to thank all community members for the commitment, patience and perseverance throughout what has been the most challenging time in living memory. Students have adapted, teachers have pivoted and parents have supported an extraordinary period of learning, that we hopefully never have to repeat again.


End of year events

At this stage, it appears it is impossible to know whether our usual significant end of year events will be able to be conducted at the usual timing towards the end of this term. Our end of year awards, valedictory and gala concert are examples of events that we hoped might still be able to occur, however final decisions about them are unlikely within the next few weeks. I have committed however to ensuring that Year 12 students will have their Valedictory dinner, even if that means holding it at some time in 2021. 


Hopefully the daily case numbers will remain low, restrictions will begin to ease and the probability for holding these events will increase in coming weeks. 

Parent Opinion Survey

Recently, I emailed all parents information relating to the annual parent opinion survey. The data that we gain from the parent feedback is invaluable in our planning and even more so this year as we head into our major four year school review over the next couple of weeks. I encourage all parents to login via, select Wantirna College, enter the following PIN: 169742 and complete the survey, which is available in English and a number of other languages. 


Please remember only one parent in each household should complete the survey.


 Grand Final Public Holiday

Just a quick reminder that next Friday 23rd October is a public holiday. Hopefully restrictions will ease a little and we can enjoy some well earned freedoms!


Kevin Murphy
