Classroom Stars and Achievers 

Stars of the Week

Seth C

For participating enthusiastically in our small group Webex sessions (Kyra Room 1)

Stevie S

For always having a go and confidently contributing during Webex sessions (Ellie Room 2)

Gabe G

For his fantastic improvement in his reading (Claire Room 3)

Pippa B

For consistently uploading high-quality work during remote learning (Miss Jew Room 4)

Eli S

For confidently sharing his writing about his family in our writing session (Blair & Miss Laura Room 5)

Harrison W

For writing detailed and descriptive directions on how to find his pirate’s treasure (Mr Mitchell Room 6)

Shantelle S

For taking great pride in the presentation of her work (Mr Mitchell Room 6)

Layla P

For submitting lots of great work on Seesaw (Mrs Gear Room 9)

Rieley G

For always participating to the best of his ability and being prompt to all Webex calls (Miss Liv Room 10)


Outstanding Achievers

Caleb J

For making a big effort towards his learning and participation in online classes (Emily P Room 12)

Charlie G

For an accurate and realistic model of a volcanic eruption, as well as identifying the key parts of his structure (Miss J Room 13)

Connor A

For confidently demonstrating the key elements needed for a bushfire (Miss J Room 13)

Max G 

For taking an active roll in online discussions (Mrs Hay Room 14)

Jarvis W

For taking on feedback and up-leveling his work during remote learning (Miss Allen Room 15)

Emily S

For great contributions in small group Webex sessions (Mrs Brown Room 16)

Ellie B

For having a successful start to remote learning (Mr Loader Room 17)

Harry H

For engaging in his learning and asking questions to enhance his understanding of topics being taught (Mrs Bleicher & Miss Bigmore Room 18)

Claire M

For seeking clarification on her learning and giving everything a 'red hot' go! (Mrs Riddoch Room 19)



Braxton K Room 3

For his tuneful singing and creativity when performing the Zoom, Zoom, Zoom song! (Mrs Polson)

Freya H Room 2

For taking a big step forward in developing her singing confidence this week! (Mrs Polson)

Samuel S Room 16

For demonstrating his resilience and persistence by calmly completing tasks for the day. Great work! (Miss Choi)

Reuben L Room 19

For demonstrating his leadership by assisting his peers completing their tasks. Fantastic work! (Miss Choi)

Nash Mc Room 13 

For filling out his Activity Diary in great detail (Rick & Katherine)

Harrison R Room 10

Sportsperson Of The Week for his detailed completion of last week’s Eye Spy activity in PE (Rick & Katherine)