Principals Report

By Frank Catalano

Dear Members of the Glen Waverley Primary School Community,


Welcome to another exciting edition of our school newsletter where we share what’s occurred throughout our wonderful school!


Learning at School Update

It certainly is wonderful to write, ‘Learning at School’ rather than ‘Learning from Home’ update! What is also fabulous is to hear the children laugh, talk to one another, share stories and to see them play, learn, participate in various classes and simply enjoying being a child. Something that the lockdown has taken from them and perhaps, something that they will always appreciate! As an adult and educator, I cannot express how much joy this brings particularly considering how much the children have missed out this year.   



Never the less, it really is terrific having the children at school and fingers crossed that the remainder of the 2020 school year is one filled with normality rather than upheaval! 


Facilities Update

Over the last few weeks we have undertaken the following facilities tasks:

  • Installed new seats adjacent to the Year 2 classrooms and
  • Completed the refurbishment of one of the staff bathroom facilities.

I am hopeful that the following items will be completed either this week or next. 

  • A new school community meeting room installed adjacent to the entrance ramp and
  • The shade sails in between the two main buildings replaced.


Naturally the above are all possible due to families settling their school fees, once again, thank you very much everyone and I look forward to sharing photos and additional news in our next newsletter. 


Chess Team

A sincere congratulations to all of the children in our school chess team as last week they were crowned the Victorian Champions! Naturally this is an amazing achievement and something that the children, their families and our school are incredibly proud of! 


Congratulations to:

Archit, Nikhil, Sanuk, Rahul, Neil, Vidushi, Hemish, Okith, Tejas, Vikas, Partha, Mayank, Omika, Neil, Cyrus, Ryan, Kallol, Shayaan and Ammaar. 


What’s next? The national titles ................ we look forward to informing everyone how the children go. Wow what a fabulous achievement, well done and congratulations everyone!

Pandemic Writing Pieces for the Time Capsule 

As mentioned in a recent Compass post, the children are currently writing about their experience of living through a pandemic which will be used as an assessment piece and also be placed in a time capsule for future generations to read. A plaque will be placed on the time capsule requesting that it be opened in the year 2060, which also coincides with our school’s 100’s birthday.


The Compass post also requested for parents to write a piece, may I encourage you to do so as it would be fabulous to have pieces written by the adult members of our school community. If you prefer to write in your own language, that is also fine. We are requesting that all letters (pieces) are placed in an envelope and returned to school by Monday 23rd November. 


Congratulations to Geetham and Chris in 2E who have written the following pieces for the time capsule. I am extremely proud of and impressed with your writing skills- Well done to both of you! 



By Chris
Friday 16th October 2020
Run! Covid-19 is after me, help! Covid-19 is a virus, it is really bad so run! Covid-19 is killing us so help! Okay. Your'e in your home all day. I hope it goes becuase I'm bored. I mean you can still play at home, but chores come for you so run! IT IS THE END OF THE WORLD! LIKE ITS THE END, HELP! HELP! HELP ME! Yes, school's back okay, i guess. Love from Chris. 



By Geetham
Friday 16th October 2020
Covid-19 is a pandemic. Becuasie of it we had to do learning from home. In another forty years you will be opening ths time capsule in 2060. I was in this school in 2020 grade two. It will be 40 years until 2060! i was 8 years old in grade two and in 40 years i will be 48, in 2060. Covid-19, the actual name is coronavirus. I feel really sad but also feel happy it doesn't matter if you cry because everyone feels that way and everyone has feelings. First lockdown was March to June and then july to October so we are still all together. And together we are one so don't cry we will always be together. And everyone is happy when we are together. We stayed together by calling each other on laptops, ipads and phones. And we had to wear face masks also and can not hug! And we had to wash our hands and sanitise our hands. but soon this virus will end. 


School Photos

I am thrilled to report that our school photos will be taken on Friday 6th November. The photograph company, MSP Photography, have distributed a Compass post outlining the cost of the various bundles available and I look forward to the 2020 class photos being distributed ASAP. 



Prep A 

  • Vivaan and Harley for learning about the importance of demonstrating integrity in all that they do

Prep B

  • Tiana for being a very, very brave learner

Prep E

  • Siddharth, Kate, Eva and Veer for making amazing progress with their writing


  • Meshavi for writing a beautiful letter for my office
  • Daysha for being a wonderful friend
  • Sadew, Reyan and for being very kind and considerate
  • Kyra for her amazing attitude towards her learning


  • Adrisha and Yehara for making a super duper wand
  • Ranissah for being extremely kind and considerate


  • Aadi for creating his very own LEGO website where you can log in and use it as a Lego sharing platform or learn about Lego


  • Swara and Ethan for completing amazing learning when LFH (photo)
  • Ethan, Ryan, Thareen and Agam for being really responsible members of our school community


  • Benson, Patrick and Manuthi for writing a very detailed Covid chart to help others and be safe


  • Adila and Tania for being really kind and considerate members of our school community


  • Thari, Elisha, Sahiba and Vivaan for writing the most amazing time capsule pieces as featured in the Kids Corner section of this newsletter
  • Demsara for drawing the most amazing picture of an eye and flower which he was inspired from YouTube
  • Hirun for being a very supportive friend


  • Logan for working so hard on developing his artistic skills
  • Deneth for being an amazing friend


  • Jonathan for creating an elaborate toothpaste and toothbrush holder in Before School Care


  • Rafa for making the most amazing improvement with his handwriting and writing skills
  • Brook for being an awesome friend


  • Appu and Dihein for being really responsible members of our school community


  • Shayaan also for being really responsible member of our school community


Wishing everyone a safe and happy fortnight, 



Frank Catalano
