Nude Food Day - Already there is less rubbish in our playground!

By Phoebe 4A, Willow 4B, Aaron 4C, Felicity 4D, Seb 4E J.S.C

This week we were all more familiar with the concept of Nude Food and we are more used to bringing Nude Food to school on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We are getting less rubbish in the yard. Congratulations to the people who brought Nude Food. 

If you haven’t yet brought nude food, here are some suggestions:

  1. You can bring containers.
  2. You can take your plastic off at home.          
  3. You can also buy containers instead of plastic bags. You can buy some containers from the shops that are cheaper.
  4. You can reuse containers instead of plastic.

Congratulations to 2B from the junior school and congratulations to 3C from the senior school. You will get 10 minutes of extra play time on Friday afternoon. ( your teacher can choose when you have your extra play on Friday.

Every person that brings Nude Food is doing a part in helping our environment.