A new look
celebration for our
Year 12s
Vicky Fraanje (Head of VCE, VCAL & VET)
A new look
celebration for our
Year 12s
Vicky Fraanje (Head of VCE, VCAL & VET)
With cheers and applause circling our school, we celebrated our Year 12s on Thursday last week. Unsurprisingly we were not able to celebrate in our ‘normal’ way this year. The Avenue of Honor has always been a highlight of our whole school assembly, and this is the tradition we continued this year, albeit on a slightly larger scale.
Our day began like many 'last days' for our Year 12s, with breakfast. This year however it was served in a box. A very generous breakfast box filled with fruit, juice, homemade hashbrowns, egg and bacon rolls, savoury muffins and muesli slice were just some of the delicious items all made by our Year 11 Kitchen Operations team and beautifully presented for students to select. A huge thank you to Mr Booth and his team who blessed our Year 12s (and teachers!) abundantly!
Year 12s, dressed in a variety of costumes (with an amazing number of Dan Andrews’ making an appearance), gathered outside the Admin Building where they were given bags and graduation helium balloons, then began our journey through the school. We were greeted by Junior School with much joy and noise. Year 12s walked through main junior school building, looking for their names and collecting gifts. The sound was deafening, with much love being showered on our Year 12s.
We then headed back through the plaza where Administrative staff and our littlest BHCSers (the Kinder kids) cheered and waved. They were then met by Middle School who had made posters and cheered particularly loudly as the students continued their Avenue of Honor walk. Up the drive way and into the turning circle, the cheers, claps and celebrations continue as we finished off in the turning circle. Year 12s received gifts from the three sub schools, eagerly looking for their name as they approached each area of the school.
The clouds looked ominous, but the weather held off and we had a lovely celebration with the Year 12s who would never have thought that this was how their final year of schooling would play out. The week also saw students dressing up in the Primary School memorabilia, for many it was just the hat that still fitted, for others, surprisingly they could still squeeze into Year 6 jumpers (just!).
For the majority of students, the serious business of study continues. Some of our students have already started their exams with Language and Performance exams being held last week. For most students their first exam will be English on Tuesday 10 November. Our exam period ends with French on 30 November.
Our final celebration will be a new look Valedictory dinner, our ‘Maskerade Dinner’ on Friday, 27 November. We are very pleased that within an hour of the announcement last week we were able to implement a dinner on-site for Year 12 students and teachers. The formalities of the event will also be live-streamed to families. Although not as they would have thought, we are grateful that we are still able to celebrate with the Year 12s in this way.
Please pray for our Year 12s as they undertake their exams and venture into the world beyond BHCS. Their final year has been turbulent and unpredictable, full of emotion and at times pain. We pray that they will be rewarded for their hard work and perseverance. We pray for wisdom and discernment as they make plans for their future. It has certainly been a rollercoaster of a year, but we are grateful to have been on this journey with a wonderful group of students. May the Word be a light for your feet and a light to you path.