General Information
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General Information
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Following is information related to drop off and pick ups for all students. As a school we are required to ensure that gatherings do not take place, so we ask that you assist with this during both drop off and pick up.
Junior School
If driving into the school, please drop off your child via the turning circle onto the footpath or park your car and walk your child up to the crossing (do not cross with them). Please do not stay at the crossing any longer than is necessary to assist your child.
If you walk your child to school, please walk them up to the LED (TV) sign. If your child is anxious and if absolutely necessary, you can walk them as far as Reception, an area with which they should be familiar. We ask that you depart the school immediately after this.
Middle/Senior School
Please drop off your child as you would normally via the turning circle or by parking your car and letting your child exit the vehicle.
Parents/Carers of Junior School students should park in the uppermost carpark or top and middle tiers. Please stand outside your cars so your children can quickly identify you.
I have a student in Junior and Middle School - what do I do?
If you have students in both Junior and Middle school, we ask that you do not arrive until 3.15pm. Junior school students will be supervised until that time.
The turning circle should be reserved for families with students in Years 5-12. This will ensure traffic can flow smoothly without creating unnecessary congestion. If the turning circle is full upon your arrival, please park your car in an available parking space.
This will ensure neighbours and local residents do not complain about congestion on the main road.
We want to remind families that we are welcoming back over 500 students after a long break. We ask that all families exhibit patience as we all readjust to the flow of traffic.
Parents are reminded that if your child is not returning to BHCS in 2021, the school should have already been informed. If your child is not returning please contact the registrar via without delay.
As students have not been on-site for some time, we are allowing students to wear either their formal uniform or PE uniform, for the duration of Term 4.
We do ask that families partner with the school in ensuring that students adhere to the necessary uniform requirements related to piercings, hairstyles / hair colour, nails etc. Please have your children move any additional piercings and bring hair colour back to a natural tone if this is not current the case.
Future Bus Users: Families wishing to apply for bus use for 2021 are asked to do so by submitting a Bus application form by Wednesday, 28 October. Please find the application form attached below.
Current Bus Users: Current bus families are asked to please indicate their intentions for 2021 bus use by completing the e-form has been sent via Operoo by Wednesday, 28 October.
If you have any questions in relation to bus travel please email
During Term 4 it is compulsory for hats to be worn by students during recess/lunch & all outdoor activities. Please ensure your child/children bring their hat to school each day. Should you need to purchase a hat for your child please visit
A reminder that all students from Year 7 to Year 12 are required to wear face masks or approved face coverings while at School. This also extends to parents whilst on School ground.
Please review the updated State Government guidelines, as follows:
Please find the 2021 Fee Schedule attached below. It is also now available on the BHCS website.
Due to the significant effect that COVID-19 has had on our community, the School Council has decided that there will be no fee increases in 2021.
We have also reduced the Resource Levy across most year levels. This levy had previously been called the Activities & Resource Levy which covered camps and excursions where applicable. At this stage, we are unable to determine whether there will be any camps or excursions taking place in 2021 so we have removed these costs from the levy. Should it be possible to have camps next year, the cost will be billed to families separately.
As a result of the changes, the effect will be that the total cost for most year levels will actually be lower per student in 2021, than they were in 2020.
In recognition of the impact of COVID-19 on schools and families, the Department of Education and Training has announced an extension to the CSEF (Camp Sports Excursion Funding) to help support families who have more recently become eligible for a Health Care Card due to financial hardship.
If you have a Health Care Card that is valid on or before 5th October, 2020 , please complete and return the attached CSEF Application Form as soon as possible.
A CSEF claim can only be made once per year. If you are unsure whether you have already submitted a claim for CSEF Funding this year or should you have any other queries, please contact the Finance Office or email
For contact-free collections, customers are recommended to select home delivery on all orders which will be dispatched twice weekly.
School / Uniform Shop Pick Up
Alinta have introduced a "Click and Collect" option. If you select "School/Uniform shop pickup - no charge" when placing your order, it will be available for your student to collect from Reception. Alinta will contact you to advise when it is available for collection.
Contact Free ordering:
We are OPEN Online 24/7– Order online at
For urgent uniform enquiries, please call Cherie on 0434 296 474