Transition Back to School - Extra Support for Our Students
By Andy Callow (Principal)
Transition Back to School - Extra Support for Our Students
By Andy Callow (Principal)
It’s been a busy week as a majority of our students transitioned back to school and face-to-face teaching for the first time. As a school, we have spent a considerable amount of time exploring how we can best help to transition all of our students back effectively. Of particular importance to us is to offer targeted support for those students who are struggling in their learning and wellbeing.
To help with this extra support the School has put aside additional resources in advance in order to employ a range of extra staff to be deployed across the Junior, Middle and Senior School in Term 4.
Every student in Prep to Year 10 will be completing a range of diagnostic assessments to enable us to check in specifically with each child’s learning progress. From these diagnostics, targeted teaching initiatives are being implemented to support every student in making the best progress that they possibly can. Initiatives targeting student wellbeing and the fostering of community and connection are also being implemented across the school to support students in this difficult time.
In next week’s newsletter we will give a more detailed glimpse into the ways our staff are seeking to support students as they transition back to face-to-face learning on-site.
As always, we really appreciate and value your continued partnership and support as together we seek to do what is in the best interest of our students.