Whole School News 

Library News

Next week is the last week that students may borrow from the school library for the year and only students who do not already have overdue books may borrow. I will then embark upon the task of getting the library in order to begin the annual stock take. I will distribute overdue notices next week. If your children have any overdue books could you please help them to look for them so that they can be returned.


Thanks for your help


Students Of The Week 

Term 4 - Week 6

Prep K - Emily & Taraf

Prep N - Logan & Ray

Prep S - Sophia & Christos

Prep/1 Y - Jack

1/2B - Imaan

1/2K - Lucas

1/2R - Aden & Joshua

1/2W - Lillian

2/3A - Jacob & Mei

3/4F - Mathew & Chloe

3/4T - Oliver & Charlotte

4/5M - Leo & Radley

5/6M - Finn

5/6W - Rose, Bobby & Victoria


House Cup

Week 6 Winner - Golden Wattle!!



Golden Wattle - 10 Points

Red Waratah - 9 Points

Blue Gum - 6 Points

Green Grevillea - 4 Points


OSHClub News