Prep Report

WOW what a fantastic time we have had in Prep this Term!
Prep students really enjoyed celebrating Book Week this Term and dressing up as their favourite character in a book. In Reading this term, Prep students have continued to develop their understanding of key reading skills, especially what to do when they get to an unknown word. All the students have shown enormous persistence with their Reading.
In Writing this term Prep students have shown fantastic development in their ability to recount an event and write a letter to a special person. We participated in several fun ‘events’ at school including 100 Days of School, Book Week Parade, a Teddy Bear Picnic, an Incursion with Melbourne Zoo and we then wrote about what we experienced. We also have been learning about how to write letters and we are excited to post our letters to a special person at the end of Term. Keep an eye on your mailbox!
Prep students had a brilliant time celebrating ‘100 Days of School’ this Term. The students looked amazing dressed up as 100 year olds and enjoyed activities such as counting to 100, eating 100 cupcakes and receiving their certificates. Also, in Mathematics this term, Prep students have participated in several hands on and engaging activities across various topics. We have completed activities on topics that include addition, subtraction and sharing.
In Term 4, Prep students had lots of fun learning about their community around them. They discussed important places in their neighbourhoods (e.g hospitals, schools and libraries) and looked at maps of their suburb, city, state and country. Prep students also explored ways to keep our community safe, clean and sustainable.
- School start at 8:50 and finishes at 3:10
- Return all library books, home readers, iPads and chargers
- Payment for Year 1 book packs for 2021 (due now)
- Students to bring hats, fruit and labelled drink bottles everyday
Thank you for an amazing year of learning! :)
The Grade Prep Team
Tugba Celiker, Maria Neocleous, Laura Finnigan and Melissa Fitzpatrick