Italian Report

Classe 3 - 4
What a FANTASTICO Term 4 for Grade 3 - 6 students continuing their learning of Italian this term. Grade 3 and 4 students focused on celebrations, special occasions as well as celebrating their achievements in activities and tasks. Throughout the topic of "Le Feste", students were given plenty of opportunity to state their birthday in Italian, write a party invitation, gesture and action activities as well as consistently use common Italian greetings and phrases to communicate. Students were able to gain confidence in using clear pronunciation and gain meaning of new vocabulary from start to finish of each lesson. Upon returning to the classroom, students returned from remote learning eager to practice and to use Italian scripts and language structures with their peers.
In the photos below, students constructed their own rotational month wheel to answer questions about the months of the year ("I mesi dell'anno") and days ("giorni") to state their birthday in Italian as a whole-class activity.
Grade 3's and 4's also begun their "Passport to Languages" and were able to consistently revise on previously learnt topics in Italian, such as; colours, numbers, shapes, seasons, likes and dislikes and many more.
Classe 5-6
Grade 5 and 6 students focused on the topic of "La Paghetta" (pocket money). In this unit students were given opportunities to solve equations in Italian as well as convert the Australian dollar into the Euro currency. In one particular activity, students were able to calculate the expenses of traveling to Italy and were required to convert the their travel costs into the Euro currency. Students were unlimited to their purchase budget, which enabled them to record and verbally express larger numbers beyond 100 in Italian. These include numbers in the hundreds (centi), thousands (mille), millions (milioni) and billions (miliardi).
Students continued to practice and consolidate numbers up to 100 with a variety of number games ("giochi di numeri") in order to develop their skills in communicating using the language learnt throughout the unit
Below students researched a variety of prices to purchase goods and services when travelling to Italy. Australian prices were converted into the Euro and then students were able to verbally state what those numbers were in Italian.
A successful and full term of learning the Italian language and culture at Roxburgh Park Primary! I wish everyone a very safe and restful holiday season.
Grazie e arrivederci a tutti!
Signora Marino.