Year 6 Report

Term 4 2020


We welcome you all to Term Four with mixed emotions.  What a year it has been. Developing deep connections with each and every student is an absolutely vital aspect of a successful grade six year, and this year we have had to do that through a computer screen for most of the time. Consequently, this term we want to focus on re-connecting with each other and deepening the bonds that are so critical to effective teacher-student working relationships. It is both an exciting time and a sad time; we are excited to see your children move on to the next phase of their lives, but we are incredibly sad after this extraordinary year to say goodbye to such a wonderful group of people.


In Reading this term the students will be ‘getting knowledge ready’ by using their research skills before reading our chosen serial novel, from which they will compare their lifestyle to that of the characters, highlighting a variety of social issues and challenging scenarios. They will also be choosing a literature circle novel they have read this year to complete various portfolio tasks.


In Speaking and Listening your children will be asked to share their opinions with their peers, and to show appreciation of the viewpoints of others. They will create reflective texts which they will present to their peers and teachers.

In writing we will focus on recounts. The students will be writing a number of retrospective pieces covering the entirety of their primary schooling. Each student will then compose a final text, some of which will form part of an oral presentation at graduation.



Mathematics will involve the students being able to express the possibility of events happening using fractions, decimals, percentages and language. Our measurement studies will focus on Volume and Capacity, with the students using formulas to assist with their calculations.  This will be followed by an angles topic that will involve naming, estimating, measuring and comparing angles of various types. The students will also be asked to transform shapes by rotating, translating and reflecting them. 


This term our Inquiry focus will be Primary School Reflections and Year Seven transition. This will include creating ‘how to’ guides based on the challenges and new experiences they will face during their transition to secondary school. 

Additionally, the grades will take an active part in the organisation of their graduation, which will include speeches, Powerpoint presentations and student awards. 


Under the current climate, Graduation updates will be posted as soon as we know any information. This also includes our FunFields excursion. 



What a whirlwind of a final term it has been. The students returned to school full of energy, enthusiasm and gratitude to be back at school with their friends. All students have worked hard to achieve their best and this has been very pleasing to watch. 

Below are photos of some the activites that the students participated in this term. The Grade Six teachers will be very sad to say good-bye to this extradinary group of young people and we wish them all the best in the future. May you all have a safe and happy holiday break.