Year 5 Report
Term 4 2020
Year 5 Report
Term 4 2020
What a wonderful Term we have had in Grade 5! Congratulations to all of our students who received a leadership role for 2021, we know you will do an outstanding job as leaders of our school. For those students who applied, we would like to acknowledge your leadership skills and efforts this year. We know you will all be great leaders of the school next year, keep an eye out for all opportunities in 2021.
Grade 5s really enjoyed exploring the theme and moral of stories, using this knowledge to create their own wordless picture books. Students dedicated time to planning, drawing and creating their books before using the Green Screens to film a short book review. Students also explored poetry and poetic devices, using this knowledge to create wonderful Haiku, Colour and Concrete Poems.
This term, students wrote a variety of pieces including letters to their peers, their 2021 teachers and letters of application to 2021 leadership positions. They developed their understanding of formal and informal language, writers voice and points of view to continue to develop their writing styles. Grade 5’s have taken the time to publish their best piece of writing from this year, using the writing process to edit and redraft their writing before creating wonderful books online.
Grade 5s have explored a variety of mathematical concepts through the application of measuring, constructing, and deconstructing different shapes. Through hands on experiences students have had the opportunity to use their mathematical understanding to re-construct a variety of boxes, enlarging and reducing these according to their measurements and calculations.
Grade 5s this term have explored the idea of a business relating to consumers, products and the idea of need vs want. Using this understanding of a business, students have enjoyed developing a mock product, creating a business plan and designing the packaging for this product. Linking their mathematical knowledge to their Inquiry understanding students have designed and constructed the product packaging they would use to sell their product.
The Grade 5’s have had not only a wonderful Term but an incredible year and we are so proud of all they have achieved. The Grade 5 teachers wish all our students a fantastic holiday and an even better journey in Grade 6!