Year 4 Report
What's happening in Term 4 in Year 4
Year 4 Report
What's happening in Term 4 in Year 4
As expected, Book Week in Grade 4 was exciting, and we read lots fabulous stories! We have been working hard to achieve our reading goals and share out thoughts and opinions about different texts with our classmates. We have kept up-to-date with world events through reading and viewing Behind the News and Kids News. A big congratulations to those students who have regularly completed Lexile (Scholastic Learning Zone) and Reading Eggspress tasks.
Once again, the Grade Four students have been continuing to grow as writers and focusing on their individual writing goals. We have shared personal experiences through weekly recount writing – writing about favourite holidays, Halloween, frightening moments, and happy times. We are also poets! We have written haikus, limericks, and poems about us. Letter writing has been a focus for the last few weeks of term, writing a letter to a friend and to our 2021 teachers.
This term in maths, we had a lot of fun conducting Chance activities and we displayed our data in a variety of different ways including through the use of technology which the students loved. We also focused a lot on our understanding of place value. It was great to see all students develop a good understanding of our number system and develop skills that will allow them to tackle more complex problems in the future. This term we also focused on developing our automatic recall of basic number facts using a variety of engaging games and activities. The continued growth in our students confidence with numbers and their general enjoyment of maths has been great to see!
This term has been a fun term in Inquiry. We focused on South America looking at everything from location, climate and animals, to food, currency and historical landmarks. The students completed 2 projects throughout the term allowing them to share their knowledge in different ways. The students researched an animal of their choice that is native to South America. They put their information together in the form of a SWAY presentation and presented this to the class. It was great to see the students overcome their nervousness about public speaking to be able to deliver well researched projects. The students also created a travel brochure, trying to convince people to visit South America. They conducted research and put together a paper travel brochure which they shared with the class.