Year 3 Report

The Grade 3 teachers would like to congratulate ALL students for their hard work in what has been a crazy year!
In Reading, students explored Reading through the viewing medium. They explored the different techniques authors, illustrators and filmmakers use to convey meaning and engage the audience. Students have also learnt that texts and films are told through different points of view. They have further developed their inferential understanding through a variety of activities which has enhanced their comprehension skills.
In Writing this term, Year 3 students have further developed their recount and letter writing. Students have a better understanding of the structures and features of each genre. Our Big Write program was used to engage and encourage students to assess and improve their own writing. They were assigned individual writing goals in order to achieve success.
In Mathematics, students have explored the concepts of Money, Number Patterns, Time, Volume & Capacity, Mass and Probability . They have continued to practise Number fluency skills daily and be exposed to a range of strategies to solve problems in these areas. Students have participated in designed activities to develop mental and written strategies with a strong focus on the language of Mathematics, reasoning and problem solving throughout the unit.
In Inquiry this term, students have explored what makes Australia unique. They have learnt all about the different climate zones, Aboriginal mapping techniques as well as Australia’s natural and man made features. Students have researched a capital city within Australia and created a Powerpoint to share with the class.
On behalf of the Grade Three team, we would like to thank all the parents for your support throughout a year that we will never forget.
Have a safe & enjoyable break.
The Grade 3 Team
Andy Urbancic, Grace Rosella, Bianca Janakevski & Vesna Monsone.