Year 1 Report

In Term 4, students discovered the wonders of literacy by engaging in all things circus! Celebrating the end of this unit of work by participating in the Grade One circus day. Students read a variety of texts related to circus and completed comprehension activities to show their understanding of the topic.
In Term 4, students engaged in language experiences related to the topic of the circus which they wrote about during Big Write sessions. Students learnt about the structure and purpose of a procedural text and how to write a procedure for someone to follow. Punctuation, spelling, grammar and handwriting were an ongoing focus throughout the term. These were taught across all curriculum areas.
In Term 4 students revised concepts taught during remote learning, such as multiplication, time and money through hands on maths lessons using concrete materials. They identified 2D and 3D shapes in the environment and classroom. Students participated in games and activities about chance and probability.
Our Year one students are coding in maths to prepare themselves for their job opportunities that await them post 2030. Directional and positional language is a key concept taught in early years maths. Using concrete materials has always been good practice in teaching and using Bee Bots to teach this concept is no different.
"I can code my bee bot to move to my counter by estimating first, then pressing the buttons," explains Sarah who gets very excited when her code works on the first attempt.
"Students can see the mistakes they are making and immediately use this feedback to self correct, the feedback loop is short and powerful," - Grade one team leader Katherine Richardson.
Once these skills are mastered students will progress onto using Sphero. The limitation of a 90 degree turn is removed and students can create paths using any angle and distance combination.
In Term 4 students looked at the map of Australia and located the states and territories. They developed their understanding of directional language to confidently follow a sequence of instructions and give and follow directions to familiar locations. Students consolidated their understanding of position and movement by coding and programing the Bee Bots to follow a set of directions.
- School start at 8:50 and finishes at 3:10
- Return all library books, home readers, iPads and chargers
- Payment for Year 2 book packs for 2021 (due now)
- Students to bring hats, fruit and labeled drink bottles everyday
Thank you for a fantastic year of learning! :)
The Grade One Team
Katherine Richardson, Emily Routley, Kerry Hurley