Dates to Remember

2020 DATES
Sunday 13th December: Last day to order online Book Packs to receive free delivery
Wednesday 16th December: School Reports will be published on Sentral
Wednesday 16th December: Yr 6 Funfields Excursion / Yr 2 Sustainability Incursion
Friday 18th December: End of Term 4, 1:30pm finish
2021 DATES
Friday 22nd January: Book Pack Collection Day 9am -12pm & 1pm - 3pm in the small gym next to the Canteen
Term 1
Wednesday 27th January: Curriculum Day (no school)
Thursday 28th January: Curriculum Day (no school)
Friday 29th January: Yr 1 - 6 School returns 2021
Thursday 4th February: Prep Start Day 2021
Tuesday 9th February: 3rd instalment for Essential Items due
Wednesday 24th March - Friday 26th March: Grade 5/6 Camp
Thursday 1st April: School Colour Run / Last Day of Term 1
Term 2
Monday 19th April: Day one Term 2
Tuesday 4th May: School Photos
Tuesday 11th May: Curriculum Day (no school)
Term 4
Monday 1st November: Curriculum Day (no school)