IEC News


Class 43 are learning about narrative texts. They are studying the text structure and narrative features of the short story, Burp by Paul Jennings. They have written a letter from the protagonist in the story to show their understanding of the events that happened. Students wrote their letters in a Google doc and included pictures about their writing.



Level 3 English students are studying short films during their narrative studies this term. They have watched and analysed several short films to learn how film composers can affect and influence their audiences through visual techniques such as camera framing, lighting and body language. In the future, these students will be able to have more ideas when creating their own films and have a clearer understanding of how to shoot their short movies and other visual texts.

This term, the 42 class is reading Magic Finger by Roald Dahl.  They understand the purpose of a narrative and know the structure of the text. They enjoy engaging in interactive and paired activities while they learn the new vocabulary from the narrative.  Using the theme of morality from the narrative, students were eager to express their opinions for and against hunting.

The 63 class have had a busy term in English! The past four weeks have seen students learning about visual techniques and their effect, particularly in reference to poster advertisements. Students wrote essays analysing the effectiveness of an advertisement of their choice, which they did very successfully! They also engaged in listening activities such as running dictation, pair cloze gap and comprehension activities. They look forward to starting writing their own advertisements in the coming weeks! 


This term in health, students have been studying the topic of Healthy Eating, Better Bodies and Drugs. Students have created websites and videos to represent what they have learnt. 


These are some of the amazing websites that they have created, click on the buttons below to check them out!


Ian - What are drugs?



Barbie - What are drugs



Juliette - What is a drug?