Principal Report

A message from the Principal

Ms Nerina Pretlove

Diversity is having a seat at the table

Inclusion is having a voice

Belonging is having that voice heard

                                                                         - Fosslien


One of the silver linings of the Covid-19 pandemic is the opportunity for our school to participate in NAIDOC Week which usually falls during the school holidays. The theme, Always Was, Always Will Be reminds us about both the ancient and modern history of this land, the First Nation People and the links to our collective future. 


The recent partnership agreement, Walking Together, Working Together 2020-2030, between the NSW Aboriginal Education Consultative Group Inc and the NSW Department of Education signals a renewed focus on an understanding and appreciation of the richness and diversity of Aboriginal cultures and histories as we work to ensure that our students achieve their full potential academically, and as we embrace and foster their social, emotional, spiritual and cultural needs throughout their individual journeys.


This week marks the end of the high school journey of the Class of 2020 as the HSC exams come to an end. No doubt a challenging year at the best of times, the Covid-19 pandemic has laid another layer but our students have demonstrated tenacity and application to the end. Thank you to our families and school community who have supported their studies. Celebrations of their success in attaining their HSC and the conclusion of 13 years of schooling will take place next week. The pandemic has placed limitations on the extent of these events but a tremendous amount of work has been undertaken by our Year 12 Year Adviser, Ms Griffiths to ensure that they are memorable.


We are looking for the original Greenies! The first class of Evans HS, which initially commenced at Blacktown Girls and Boys High School in 1972 before moving to our present site, will be celebrating 50 years in March 2022. If you are a member of this elite group or know someone who is, please contact our Business Manager, Jackie Smith through our school email:


Don’t forget to vote for our Head Teacher Creative and Performing Arts, 

Dr Tom Fienberg as 2020 Telstra Aria Music Teacher at:




Click on the button below!



Nerina Pretlove
