
Tania Pfitzner


Welcome Back 

It is great to be able to welcome the Year 12 ATAR and Year 10 and 11 students back this term. We are mindful how fortunate we are to be in the position to not only be at school and learning face to face, but also to be able to venture out of the classroom to enhance our learning opportunities. Staff are in the process of organising the final excursions for the year.  It is, however, important that we do not take our current freedom for granted and continue to follow the current rules and restrictions and maintain good hygiene practices.   


Year 11 Animals - Wool Production Enterprise

Students are learning about and observing the Wool Production Enterprise from the growing of the wool, shearing, wool handling and classing, right through to the sale of the wool in Perth. 


Students from the Year 11 General class were very lucky to catch Amanda from AWI on Tuesday to experience what is involved in being a professional wool classer, the Codes of Practice, the economics and the marketing of the Wool Enterprise. 


These students were also able to watch Kevin from AWI, Mr Adams and fellow Year 11 students in action and working up a sweat.