
WISE @ Scoresby
Scoresby Secondary has recently started up our own ‘WISE @ Scoresby’ program, focusing on engaging female Year 8 and 9 students in the fields of Science and Engineering.
Students give up their lunch on Fridays to participate in this program, which is currently focused on Forensic Science. Students have so far learnt how to lift fingerprints from different materials using physical and chemical techniques and are currently looking at chromatography techniques in Forensic Science.
If you’re not currently involved in this program but would like to participate, please see Miss Shirer in the English office. Or if you’d just like to know more, you can ask Mr Healy or Miss Shirer whenever you see them next.
Junior Science takes on Design Thinking
Our Junior Science teachers, Ms Kathleen Shirer and Mrs Sylvia Wood, are currently working through a professional development called Design 2 Innovate which is being run through KIOSC.
The program has been developed by Victorian Tech schools, alongside teachers and international design thinking experts. The first stage in the design thinking process is the ‘empathising stage’, where students have to work towards understanding their clients’ problems and perspectives with an open mind.
Some junior science classes have been exploring these processes using a variety of empathy tools. In these photos you can see 8A participating in 'Empathy Interviews and Prototyping'.
Mr John Healy
Science Leader