
Australian Mathematics Competition
Throughout term three, students across Scoresby Secondary College participated in the Australian Mathematics Competition (AMC). It is an engaging 30-problem competition that demonstrates the importance and relevance of mathematics in students’ everyday lives. Our students demonstrated excellence and outstanding academic achievement across all year levels. Congratulations to our top performing students including;
Year 7 - Will Guy, Nathan Hamilton, Brock Harrison, Grady Kolodziej, Jeremy Matthews, Sammi Willems, Adam Du (Best in School)
Year 8 - Harper Allan, Charlie Dahlborg, Addi Jones, Kaela Read, Cooper Tudor
Year 9 - Atasha Aiolupotea, Zach Bissett, Wesley Ferdinands, Noah Paroissien
Year 10 - Heath Agar, Khye Bondini
Math Anxiety - What is it?
Your blood pressure starts to escalate. Your heart feels like it is beating out of your chest. You begin to perspire and feel that every nerve is standing at attention. ANXIETY! Imagine you are a student and you have this physical reaction every time you walk into your math class. Math anxiety is a negative emotional reaction to mathematics that can be debilitating to our students and interfere with their ability to learn math at a high level.
Congratulations to Sofia Faddoul and Nathan Hamilton who has completed the Numeracy QuickSmart program.
These students demonstrate perseverance and success whilst participating in the program.
The primary aim of QuickSmart is for the students to develop automaticity.
QuickSmart lessons emphasise the development of conceptual understanding. Conceptual understanding is ensured by explicitly teaching strategies that emphasise the key concepts underpinning the academic skills being taught.
QuickSmart was awarded highest ratings in the field of Education on research Engagement and Impact by the Australian Research Council (ARC) in its national assessment of research contribution to the broader community and the economy.
Ms Michelle deBoer
Maths Leader