Junior School Report

Final Term
The Junior School welcomes back our students to Term 4. We hope you all had a relaxing break, and are refreshed and ready for a busy and productive term ahead.
On behalf of the Junior School we would like to wish our VCE students all the very best or their upcoming exams. It is imperative for Junior School students to respect this important time, and maintain appropriate behaviour when in the yard and moving between classes to ensure they do not impact on exams taking place.
Year 9 students will be completing exams for both Math and English which will take place during allocated class time. These two exams will provide students with the opportunity to develop skills in sitting for exams in preparation for senior years.
Students are reminded that there is learning to be done and high expectations remain with work effort, homework and assignment completion. Students are encouraged to seek teacher assistance when required, and are reminded that they have access to Homework Club in the Resource Centre on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3pm- 4pm.
A Day of Learning at Scoresby Secondary College
Throughout Term 3 and Term 4, our College has invited Grade 5 students from a number of our local primary schools to enjoy a day of learning at Scoresby Secondary College. This day has allowed students to engage in a number of learning activities including Music, Design Technology and Materials and Science. It has been fantastic to resume this program after a two year break due to lockdown and COVID-19 restrictions.
A big thank you to all of the teaching staff, support and office staff, and student helpers who have worked tirelessly in making these days such a success. We would also like to thank the following local primary schools who have engaged with the program, and for their continued support to the College: Scoresby Primary School, Carrington Primary School, Knox Gardens Primary School, Mountain Gate Primary School, Ferntree Gully North Primary School, Kent Park Primary School, Knox Park Primary School.
Ms Su-Nhi Kim – Year 9 Coordinator
Ms Emily Phibbs – Head of Junior School and Acting Year 7 Coordinator
Scoresby Walkathon – Alpine School for Student Leadership
On the 20 of October, the Year 9 students who have just returned from the Alpine School for Student Leadership, is organising a Scoresby Secondary College Walkathon. This event has been organised as part of our community project to raise awareness of road safety.
All students in Years 7-11 will be participating in the event which is taking place during lunch and period 5. We kindly ask that all students bring a gold coin donation to raise funds for promoting road safety. Students will be able to wear their PE uniform for the day, and a sausage sizzle will be available for $2.00.
Further information will be providing in an upcoming Compass post, and on posters advertised throughout the College.
Anna Harper
Year 9