Sport & PE

Eastern Metropolitan Region Athletics Day
On Monday 10 October, the Eastern Metropolitan Region Athletics Day was held at the Knox Athletic Track, Bunjil Way, Knoxfield. Three of our students had previously qualified to complete, and they represented Scoresby Secondary College with exemplary attitude and behaviour throughout the competition.
Addi Jones (Year 8) took part in a fiercely competed 100m sprint, earning a close 5th place, and backed her performance up by achieving a very impressive 5th in both the 200m and 400m finals.
Bella Foden (Year 7) swivelled and threw her way to 2nd place and a silver medal in the Discus event, which is even more impressive when you learn that she competed with a nasty ankle injury!
Jacob Compton (Year 10) heaved a heavy metal object into 5th place for the Shot-Put event, leapt his way to 4th place in the Long Jump event, and his best performance involved a ‘hop, skip and a jump’, launching himself to 2nd place and a silver medal on the dais for the Triple Jump!
Well done to all three students, representing the school values with great pride and respect. Scoresby Secondary congratulates them for their efforts and results on the day, and we hope they inspire all our other students to push themselves to achieve their own goals and successes, in the classroom and beyond!
Mr Donovan Lawrence