Inside the Classroom


The Primary classes have been welcoming new students to their classrooms as new students are participating in transition to our school. We are looking forward to welcoming these new students and their families to Anson Street School in 2023.


This term each primary class will go to Lake Canobolas for sailing with our senior sport group. Last week Class 10 enjoyed this opportunity and this week was Class 11's turn



Class 12 have been reading the book Peggy by Anna Walker in class. This book is about a hen that walks through the streets of Melbourne wanting to get home. The students of Class 12 made hen houses for Peggy.

 Class 10 have been busy in the classroom with lots of learning activities and getting out and exploring our community.


Kari Priest

Primary Leader

Stage 4

Stage 4 have loved learning new skills with Mr McRae as part of the Technology Mandatory - Materials subject. Students are demonstrating safe work practices while pulling apart pallets and sanding and sawing planks in preparation for their upcoming project - making a BBQ caddy.


Stage 4 literacy groups participated in drama activities around the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. Filming and working together to play characters from the story is challenging. They are doing an awesome job!


Cassie Lloyd

Stage 4 Leader

Stage 5

Last week our peer support leaders were given their first opportunity to shine during the year 7 transition morning. They met with the students upon arrival and joined in a scavenger hunt activity to show all the great spaces within our school. Our new students are very lucky to have such responsible and respectful peers to help them settle into their new school.

After focusing on gratitude last term, Class 7 staff and students used Proloquo2Go to communicate what they are grateful for. It is so wonderful to see all their different personalities coming through. 


Term 4 Curiosity Clubs (electives) are in full swing for this term with the students engaging in some great projects and activities. The Physical Activity and Sports Science (PASS) group have been exploring adaptions to games, equipment and rules to cater to the needs of all people. Last week they put on blindfolds and tried their hand at vision-impaired archery.


The Agriculture students harvested their cabbage plants and finished planting their spring seedlings. They have planted celery, tomatoes, snow peas, cucumber and zucchini. We are grateful for the warmer weather and spring rain to help us get a bumper crop in the coming weeks. 

Our Design and Technology group have welcomed the help from our newest staff member Mr McRae. He comes with some amazing carpentry skills and is working with the boys on making some very exciting Christmas presents for their families. We won’t give too much away but get ready to fire up your BBQs.


Elke Cunial

Stage 5 Leader


Stage 6 

Stage 6 students have been busy working on their updated timetable for Term 4. Students in year 11 have transitioned into year 12 starting their HSC studies. The year 12 students are completing a variety of community access outings, local service visits, work experience and transition to post-school options. 

This term students in year 12 have visited The mini-Woolies at Omnia, the Orange Library, The Post Office and completed activities while visiting Millthorpe village. 

Stage 6 have been very fortunate to work with Mr Windsor in Pottery, with students using a variety of skills to design and make a mug. 


Jess Hodder 

Stage 6 Leader 



Mr McRae is getting rave reviews all over the school. Campus students have also responded well and enjoyed woodworking with Mr McRae on Wednesdays. I can't wait to see the finished products.


The Campus to Community program has had a great start to the term. 

The boys, under the guidance of Mr Mortimer and Mr Almond, designed and built The Anson Express - a wooden plant holder in the shape of a train. Callum and Arky presented the project as a gift to the school. We are immensely proud of the fine young men our students are becoming.

They have also braved the rain to attend the Australian National Field Days, visited the Glenroi Community Hub and the Towac Branch of the Rural Fire Sevice. They have welcomed Mr Rasmussen into the team while Mr Mortimer is on leave.

The radishes planted by Class 18 in Term 2 have been harvested (and eaten). They were reportedly, very delicious.

Class 21 has begun an art project, working together to create a class tree. Class 19 have been also working on art projects for NAIDOC week.


Emily has begun to share stories by reading to Class 5 students this week. We are extremely proud of Emily for being brave enough to take on this challenge. Class 5 really enjoyed the story and Emily is looking forward to next week.


Our biggest and most exciting news is the new addition to the Anson St and Campus family. Mr Mortimer welcomed a beautiful baby girl into the world last week. He is enjoying some precious time at home with his new family and we look forward to having him back in the next few weeks. We are extremely grateful to Ms Mortimer and Mr Rasmussen, who are helping out with Class 18 and Campus to Community during this time.


Kate Griffen

Head Teacher Campus