Positive Education @ Anson

Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL)

It is wonderful to hear from people in our community that our students are always respectful, responsible and safe when representing our school. We currently have students at work placement, on various excursions, outings to local shops and parks, travelling to Sydney for Schools Spectacular, visiting sporting facilities each Wednesday and many other experiences in the community. Our students are well-mannered, caring and supportive of those around them as they explore both new and familiar environments, being positive role models and lending a hand when needed. Well done students. We are proud of your actions.


We are continuing to practice our focus:


STOP and look: take a breath, why am I angry/upset/worried?

THINK and listen: problem-solve options, accept help from others.

DO the right thing: make good choices and work through the issue.


Using these strategies allows us the time to problem-solve a solution and work through issues before reacting emotionally.


Julie Hudson

PBL Coordinator

Deputy Principal



Positive Wellbeing for Learning - PWL

With October being mental health month and our term 4 wellbeing focus being Curiosity it's time to get curious and discover new and interesting ways to improve our health and wellbeing.


Discover food and fitness

Discover fun ways to get your body moving, release endorphins and get active.

Getting active and exercising is great for your body, as well as your mind. Exercise can improve your mood and helps lower stress and symptoms of anxiety. Food fuels both body and mind. When we choose nutritious foods, we’re providing our body (and brain) with the building blocks needed to be at our best.

Did you know?

  • Being active also helps you sleep better - and better sleep helps manage mood.
  • Exercise can distract you from negative thoughts and provide opportunities to try new experiences.
  • It offers an opportunity to socialise and get social support if you exercise with others.
  • Exercise can reduce skeletal muscle tension, which helps you feel more relaxed.
  • Following a healthy pattern of eating is linked with better stress management, improved sleep quality, increased concentration, and better mental wellbeing in general.



Food and fitness

Jenny Rosser

Deputy Principal

Instructional Leader Wellbeing