Year 8 News

Maddy McQueen & Daniel Taylor | Coordinators

Val Finch Writing Awards

We are delighted to inform the Year 8 cohort that the following students both received awards for the Val Finch Writing Competition.

  • Thomas Risson - WINNER Val Finch Writer’s Award for Year 8
  • Ava Rowan – Honourable Mention

Congratulations to you both on your awards.


Active Girls Brunch

35 Year 8 Horsham College students were lucky enough to be invited and a part of the ‘This Girl Can…’ event held at the Horsham Basketball Stadium by the Wimmera Regional Sports Assembly.


Below some students have reported on the day:


At the Active Girls Brunch on Wednesday - we were introduced to Amanda Wik who is an aerobics instructor and cancer survivor, Mia Maritz Winfield Owner of Studio Sukha and Yoga instructor, Jen Simmons who is a Strong Woman competition, Steph McDonald who is now a tennis instructor and has travelled to America in pursuit of her tennis career, Jesse Millar who is Horsham Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu owner and instructor, Golf Australia, Molly Hobbs from Horsham Volleyball was walking around taking photos and Sarah Wall from NETFIT. All the women had their own station where you would move around, and they would tell you a bit about their story. My favourite part of the day was the NETFIT and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Something interesting I learnt from the day was Sarah from NETFIT and her story. A cool thing about Sarah’s story was how she rang all the netball teams from each state not wanting to get paid but just wanting to be a ‘training partner’ with the team.
By Phoebe S 8H 


At the girls brunch we did a range of different activities like, aerobics with Amanda Wiz, Yoga with Mia Maritz, weightlifting with Jen Simmons, Tennis with Steph McDonald, Jiu Jitsu with Jesse Millar, Sarah Wall from NETFIT and golf. The activity I enjoyed the most was the aerobics and the weightlifting because it was the one that we did a lot of activities in, and it was lots of fun. I found Sarah Wall’s stories very interesting because she talked a lot about how she never gave up and that you never know who was watching, we also did a lot of exercise and drills that help for getting better at netball. Overall the Active Girls Brunch was really fun and exciting. 
By Danielle G 8H


On Wednesday a group of year 8 girls got the opportunity to go to Horsham’s active girls’ brunch at the Horsham Basketball Stadium. We got to meet many amazing women and hear their amazing stories. The one we enjoyed the most was getting to meet Jen Simmons who competes in strong women we found her very inspiring as she talked about how in her sport it’s a very big mental game when lifting as she competes against herself to better her personal bests. Another person we found inspiring was Amanda Wik who is a breast cancer survivor and a fitness and aerobics instructor. Amanda talked about how staying fit was a big part in helping her get through her chemotherapy. After lunch, provided by This Girl Can Victoria, Sarah Wall from NETFIT gave us insight into how she got onto the Melbourne Vixens Netball team and her journey of recovering from tearing her ACL…twice! Overall, we are thankful for the opportunity from This Girl Can Victoria for letting us look at all the different sports pathways we can go into.
By Pippa Denham and Claire Martin 8H


Move It! Mondays

Last week we launched an eTag system with our Year 8s as part of the Move It! Monday initiative. The Tag On system is in response to SRC feedback in that they wanted a way of rewarding students for riding, walking or scooting to school. Each student has a house coloured eTag that, when tagged on, gives the students the option of how they got to school that day - bike, walk, car or bus. Tags can be registered online (see quick links on Seqta). Active options give the student two house points, non-active is one. At the end of the year, the house with the most points will get the first ever Active Travel shield! A reminder for families that drive to school that the Central Park carpark is a great option for a drop of zone – this would also count as walking points as it is a 10-minute walk to school (double points). 


The Year 8’s are heading to Anglesea for Camp next Wednesday to Friday (2nd – 4th Nov). There will be lots of fun activities including a beach swim, surfing, archery, beach Olympics and a low ropes course. Students are reminded that it is important that they bring their school hat, a drink bottle, sunscreen and swimming clothes to camp with them.


The Year 8 team are looking forward to a great time away!