Alternate Programs

Liam Offer - Assistant Principal Alternate Programs



VCAL students we have 2 weeks until results are due for Units of Completion and Certificates. If students are unaware of where they are up to in their studies can they please check in with their teacher ASAP to ensure they complete units or certificates. For our McKenzie Creek students they are working towards transitioning to main campus or to our other programs.


Due to current weather conditions at McKenzie Creek please be aware there is an increased number of mosquitoes. Staff have aeroguard if wanted. If families have an issue or students are allergic, please let staff know. 


Students are still seeking any donations to the Emergency food centre in Horsham as we move closer towards Christmas. If you have any non-perishable that you do not have use for or that have been sitting in your cupboard for a long time, can you please donate. Donations can be accepted at the front office or at Alternate Programs.



Thanks for the support along the way and please reach out if you need any support



Liam Offer


Project Based Learning. The carrots we planted 8 weeks ago were ready for the picking.


Students worked individually to work with bread dough and made their own bread. We roasted the carrots, added some extra ingredients, blended until smooth and served with the bread.


R U OK? Day 

The Alt Programs colouring competition was judged by our well-being officer, Treena.


1st Prize was awarded to Logan from McKenzie Creek class who received a box of chocolates.


Runners up to Blair and Ghost from Connect Ed who scored a block of chocolate. 


Thanks to all students that had a go and entered the competition and decorated our halls with the R U OK? Day messages.