What's happening 

at HC



If you haven't already 'liked' our page on Facebook make sure you do so you can get updates from us!


Parents/guardians are reminded to contact the school if their child is going to be absent.


You can call our Absence Hotline 5381 7200 or through our Seqta App.

Student Achievements

We love to hear and celebrate our students achievements and share their success with the School Community. Please contact Lisa Hobbs, Communications with details/photos via email -  lisa.hobbs@education.vic.gov.au

KESOs (Koorie Engagement Support Officers)

KESOs support Koorie children and their families with assistance to make the journey through primary and secondary school as seamless as possible.


KESOs also connect with other relevant (school and regional staff) and external support workers to assist family engagement.


KESOs can assist with:

Individual Education Plan Meetings

Assist with Scholarship/s applications

Suspensions and Expulsions Meetings

Plus a whole range of other Educational needs.


Your local KESOs based in Horsham are:

Nola Illin: 0457 520 390

Kerrie Clarke: 0459 870 282



Mr Queale would like to remind everyone that locker maintenance commences during Term 4. If you will be away from school during Term 4 when your year level finishes, please take the time to remove the contents of your locker before you leave.


Students are also reminded to please empty their lockers as their year level completes Term 4.


Only a small number of items removed from lockers during cleaning and maintenance are stored during the holidays. All other items are disposed of or recycled before the beginning of the new school year.


Please be aware that the security of any items that are recovered and stored cannot be guaranteed.


If any student  is away and wishes to make arrangements for their items to be recovered, please contact your Year level coordinator  or Mr Queale.


Bangarra Youth Team 

The Bangarra Youth Team is working with students this week to develop two short dances. These will be performed at the Nati Frinj Festival at 10-10.30am on Saturday 29th October at the Soldiers’ Memorial Hall, Main St., Natimuk. Entry is free. 


Please come along and support students from Horsham College, Stawell Secondary College, Marian College, Dimboola Memorial College, Goroke College and Edenhope College. They have been working together under the direction of four Bangarra dance teachers all week at Horsham College. The schools liaison work has been supported by the Koorie Education Support Office. The costumes for the performance are funded by ACT Natimuk which invited the Bangarra Youth Team to prepare a students’ performance for the Frinj.


The standard of student engagement and learning has been excellent. 


Come along and watch their two short dances.