Principal's Report

Mr. Rob Pyers | Principal

World Teacher’s Day 2023

Australia celebrates World Teachers Day on October 28th this year and I would like to publicly thank the fantastic staff that we have at the College for their efforts to support students to achieve success and the work that takes place each and every day at the College.  Together with our support staff the College ‘team’ does an amazing job and I am both honoured and proud to work alongside the staff at Horsham College. 


The basis for our college’s success lies in the staff’s ability to work together with students and parents/carers and to live our values.  Every day I am fortunate to see examples of the care, collaboration, character and commitment that make our school a great place to learn and to teach.


I hope all teaching staff take a moment on Friday to reflect on the impact they have on young lives and how our love of learning influences the future of others.


Parent Opinion Survey Results

The results for the recent Parent Opinion Survey have arrived and the College.  I would like to thank the 196 families who responded.  This is the highest number of families who have responded to the survey in my time at the College and the results are reflective of the ongoing positive relationship we have with families and the work that is taking place.


The table below is a brief summary of the key highlights of the survey:

Staff will continue to unpack this feedback along with student and staff feedback as a part of our planning for 2023.


Year 12 Exams Begin

The Year 12 Exams held at Horsham College began on Wednesday with English.


Over the next three weeks students will be sitting end of year exams in the Maroske Hall and on behalf of all of the College community we wish the students the very best.  Thank you also to the teachers who have supported the students not only this year but throughout their time at Horsham College.


Headstart Program – 2023

A reminder that the Year 11 into 12 Headstart program will begin on November 14th.  This is a great way to start 2023 and the final year for students at the College.  Where possible the Year 12 teacher for next year will take the class and when this is not possible the current Year 12 teacher will take the class for the two weeks.


VCE English students have this week been given notices regarding their Year 12 texts and Timetables for Headstart will be available no later than Monday November 7th for the 2023 Year 12 cohort.


Any queries regarding the Headstart program can be directed to Ms. Meg  Woolford and Ms. Liz Klinge.



End of Year Dates 

Please note the following important dates for the end of the school year:

  • October 31st  – Curriculum Day
  • November 1st  – Melbourne Cup Day 
  • November 2nd  to 4th  – Year 8 Camp
  • November 7th  to 11th  - November Year 11 Exams
  • November 14th  to 25th  - Year 11 to 12 Headstart
  • November 23rd  – Staff Professional Practice Day
  • November 28th  to December 2nd  - Year 10 to 11 Headstart
  • December 12th  – Alternate Programs (Reengagement) Awards
  • December 13th  – Year 7 Statewide Transition Day
  • December 14th  - Year 7 to 11 Awards
  • December 16th  - Year 12 Valedictory Dinner and Awards Night


Please also note the following dates for 2023:

  • January 30th – Year 7 and 12 students return 
  • January 31st – Year 8 - 11 students return
  • June 9th – Curriculum Day 

Reminder Curriculum Day Monday October 31st 

A reminder that we will be having a Curriculum day on Monday October 31st and that Tuesday November 1st is the Melbourne Cup public holiday.


We hope everyone has an enjoyable and safe long weekend.