From the Principal

Term 4 already
It's hard to believe that we are already a week into the final term of the year. With only 8 weeks to go, it's going to be a busy time with a lot of learning and events to come. It was great to be able to complete our Sports Day today after our first attempt was rained out last term. Congratulations to all students for their participation and particularly to Torrens for winning the shield.
Our concert plans are progressing well with all classes busily practicing their item. It's always an exciting event and we look forward to seeing families join us on Thursday 3rd November to celebrate our students' hard work. Don't forget to purchase your tickets on Qkr! or from the Office.
Watch this space!
Following discussions with staff and Governing Council, we have decided to redefine the entrance to our Office with a meaningful representation of student connections to our school. Today a group of 20 students spent time with Scott, an indigenous artist from Rusted Tin, to think about and record what Para Vista means to them and how being at school makes them feel. They documented this using words and symbols which Scott will now use to design our new mural and help tell the story of our student community. We are looking watching our new artwork evolve during this term.
Approving 2023 Materials & Services Charge
In accordance with legislation pursuant to Section 106A of the Education Act 1972, Governing Council will be voting on the 2023 Materials & Services Charge at their next meeting. The prescribed charge of $269 is to be considered. Members of the school community are invited to attend the meeting held on Tuesday 8th November at 6.00pm where the M&S charge will be tabled, followed by the regular Governing Council meeting.
A copy of the "Composition of Charge" notice which has been verified by the Chief Executive (or delegate) is attached. In lieu of attending the meeting, any views can be expressed in writing to the Chairperson of the Governing Council via the Office, with a request to be tabled at the above meeting.
Welcome Janice
As we announced in our last newsletter, we have appointed a new Community Hub Leader. Janice Tsimiklis began with us this week and is busily setting up the hub and planning some events for our community. Attached is a flyer for the new walking group which will commence this term. We look forward to having our community members join Janice in some of the hub programs.
2023 Class Placements Reminder
A reminder that we have already begun planning for 2023 and started looking at how our student enrolments will fit into classes. To assist us in doing this, we ask families to let us know via the form at the bottom of the page if there are any particular considerations that you would like us to reflect on in this process for your child. This form can be printed, completed and dropped into the office or emailed to by Friday 28/10. Considerations could be around learning style, assessments/learning needs or individual family requests (eg. placement where there is a sibling of similar age). Unfortunately we are unable to take requests for individual teachers as staffing and year levels have not been finalised yet. Staff spend a great deal of time reviewing students as learners to put together effective class groups so it may not always be possible to accommodate all requests.
We thank you for your understanding.