School News
School App
Cowra High School now has an iPhone & Android App to help us communicate more effectively with our community. We are asking you to consider installing our new App. To do so, just search for Cowra High School in either the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store.
For Windows users search for Skoolbag in the Windows Store and install the App and then find our school. Please note it must be a Windows 8.1 or 10 device.
When you open the App please select OK to receive push notifications when asked. Click the ‘More’ button on the bottom right of the App and then select ‘Setup Push Notifications’. Turn on the push notifications that you wish to subscribe to. Open the eForms on the home page, then open the Skoolmail Subscription Form and enter your details & your email address. Select the mailing lists you wish to subscribe to and then Submit the form. This will allow us to email push notifications to you as well.
Please contact the school if you require further information.
PBL Winners
Catch Up Photo Day - 16 March
Catch up photos for those students who missed our initial days will be on Thursday 16 March.