Snake Tails visits Cowra High

Jade Blinman gets kissed by a lizard!

Snake Tails

Last Thursday morning students at Cowra High had the opportunity to attend a reptile show called "Snake Tails" with an expert herpetologist Bob Withey. Students learnt about the different families of reptiles and species. They witnessed first hand some of the most deadly snakes in the world and they had the chance to handle some of the more friendly reptile pets that Bob introduced them too, like his pet blue tongue lizard and bearded dragon. Some students even received a kiss from the blue tongue! Watching Bob pack up I got up very close to the tiger, brown and fierce snake as they were taken out of their boxes, and heard how Bob was bitten by his tiger snake a few years ago and almost died. Bob was able to teach the students to be respectful of all reptiles.

Before Bob departed Cowra High School he praised all of our students on how respectful and responsible they were.


Melissa Pomering

Head Teacher - Science