Families and Friends

Parent and carer volunteers promoting the welfare of, and providing support to, the SMPS community

SMPS Family & Friends News


This Week

  • 2023 SMPS Easter raffle - Thank you
  • Celebration of Learning - volunteers needed - Wednesday May 17th
  • Brainwave Bikes - Refurbished and recycled, donated used bicycles
  • SHUS (Second Hand Uniform Shop)
  • WhatsApp
  • Joke of the week

2023 SMPS Easter Raffle - Thank You


Thank you to everyone who donated chocolates as prizes; their time to help prepare and run the raffle; or buy tickets in Term 1's SMPS Easter Raffle. Our combined contributions helped raise over $2,000!

Thank you and well done SMPS community!



Celebration of Learning day - Volunteers Needed - Wednesday May 17th

SMPS's Celebration of Learning day is a wonderful event for our school community.

These days have been a fun and successful day in the past due to the generosity of our families, donating their time, resources and required items.


SMPS's 2023 Celebration of Learning day is being held on Wednesday 17th May.


If you can assist between 8.30am - 10.30am (to accept and sort cake stall donations), or for 30 mins between 2.00pm and 5.00pm, (as a food server or cashier), please register via the link within this newsletter (on the School Leaders page) or email smps.faf@outlook.com.


If you can arrange or donate any of these items, please email smps.faf@outlook.com.

  • Gas bottle for the BBQ
  • Approximately 700 sausages and hamburgers (Halal Beef and vegetarian)
  • Pre-cut bags of onions
  • 30 loaves of sliced bread. (Some white, some wholemeal) Do you own a bakery or know someone that does?  Are you willing to ask a local bakery for their support?  
  • Cans of soft drink and small bottles of water
  • Large eskies for us to borrow (to put drinks and food in)
  • Bags of ice (to keep our drinks cool)
  • Aluminium trays for cooked meat – donate a pack or 2?
  • Serviettes – donate a pack or 2?
  • Disposable, food handling gloves – donate a box or 2?

We look forward to firing up our new BBQ for the first time, and seeing as many of you as possible on the day! Enjoy the fun!

Brainwave Bikes - Refurbished, Recycled, Donated, Used Bicycles

Are you considering buying a bike, or do you have a bike you no longer need?

Brainwave Bikes is a Melbourne based social enterprise that refurbishes and recycles donated used bicycles on a large scale. (Mainly children's bikes.)


Brainwave Bikes aims to prevent the thousands of bikes that currently head to landfill, offer affordable bikes for families, while providing employment and traineeships for people with disabilities.


Created as part of a partnership between Brainwave Australia and Mercedes-Benz, Brainwave Bikes is Melbourne’s first superstore offering refurbished second-hand bikes. Located close to the Moorabbin DFO, they have a 700sqm showroom and sell bikes online at www.brainwavebikes.org.au

A sample of some bikes currently available:

SHUS (Second Hand Uniform Shop) 

Your SHUS is run by the FAF group, with help from other SMPS community volunteers. 

Open: Wednesdays, between 3.30pm and 4pm.

Where: Outside the entrance doors, in front of the Art room

Payment: Card/eftpos or cash   

Donations: Clean, unmarked Bob Stewart uniform items are gratefully accepted. Please either leave donations with the office, or drop them to the SHUS when it's open. 


Thank you to everyone who has donated SMPS uniform they no longer need, and to those who have volunteered to help run the SHUS. We wouldn't have a SHUS without your generous donations and time!


SMPS SHUS price list:

*Dresses and tunics come in different sizing.

C = Child (Smaller fitting)

G = Girl

W = Woman (more generous fitting)


If you would like to review sizing, please refer to Bob Stewart's website via the link below. 



Doug, one of our FAF members, is also one of the administrators on 'SMPS Friends', an informal WhatsApp chat group of 280+ participants. The chat groups members are past, present and prospective parents and carers across all grades at SMPS.


There are also separate 'grade specific' informal WhatsApp chat groups for Preps; Grade 1; Grade 2; Grade 3; Grade 4; and a combined chat for Grades 5 & 6. These 'grade specific' chat groups are for the parents/carers of current students only.


If you have recently joined SMPS, or are a current or prospective parent/carer, and would like to join any of the informal chat groups, please contact Doug via WhatsApp, or via SMS on phone # 0437 351 194.



‼️ Please note: These informal chat groups are completely independent of SMPS teachers and staff. You should continue to rely on Compass News Feeds and the SMPS newsletter for SMPS information.

Joke of the week

What is a tornado’s favourite game to play?



