School Leaders

Messages from the Office, Learning Specialists and School Organisers...

New Payment Plans Uploaded to Compass

Thank you so much to those who have already contributed to the School Payments. There is no due date for the payments and families can log into Compass at any point if they wish to contribute. Tess, our Business Manager, has uploaded two new payment plan options to Compass Billing for those who wish to do so. 

Payment Plan 1DatesPayment Plan 2Dates
Eight Payments - Fortnightly08/05/2023Six Payments - Monthly08/05/2023
 22/05/2023 08/06/2023
 05/06/2023 08/07/2023
 19/06/2023 08/08/2023
 03/07/2023 08/09/2023
 17/07/2023 08/10/2023

If you enter the payment plan after the start date listed above, the first instalment date will either update to the date you create the plan or it will collapse with the next instalment date depending on when you create it. 

If you would prefer an entirely different plan, please email Tess via

Celebration of Learning Day

We encourage all current families to join us on Wednesday 17th May from 2:40pm to 5:00pm as we celebrate our students' learning and achievements.  We will be opening up the learning spaces and giving our parents an opportunity to walk through the school and participate in a lesson with your child.  This will be followed by a community BBQ and cake stall, with some fun activities like face painting, student musical performances, activities and games on the forecourt. 


To make this event a huge success – WE NEED YOU!  Our community support, donations and volunteer help is desperately needed, so please get involved, however you can – big or small!


If you can help or donate - please fill out the VOLUNTEER SURVEY.


We also need VOLUNTEER HELPERS for the Sausage Sizzle and Cake Stall between 1pm to 5pm: Set up, Cooks, food servers and cashiers. If you can help for even just 30 minutes, please register via the link provided. You’re welcome to volunteer for more than one time-slot or to help set up or pack up – the more help we have, the less work to do!  If you have any queries, or can help in any way possible, please email and we’ll be in touch.  We can guide you through how easy it is to get involved and support our school community. 


If you can spare a little of your time, please get in contact with the FAF by e-mailing them at and they will be in touch – many hands make light work – please get involved and see how easy it is to support our wonderful school.

  • Full Gas bottles for our BBQ
  • Are you a butcher? Or do you know one? We need approximately 700 sausages and hamburgers (Halal Beef and vegetarian)
  • Pre-cut bags of sliced onions - about 4
  • Do you own a bakery or know someone that does?  Are you willing to ask our local bakery for their support?  We need about 30 loaves of sliced bread!
  • Cans of soft drinks and small bottles of water – anyone have a Costco membership that is willing to help with purchasing these?
  • Large Eskies for us to borrow (to put drinks and food in)
  • Large Disposable Paper Plates (needed as soon as possible for our cake packs- please drop a pack or two off to the office if you are able to)
  • Foil trays for cooked meat – donate a pack or 2?
  • Serviettes – donate a pack or 2?
  • Disposable food handling gloves – donate a box

Thank you for your support

CoL Event Team

Open Day for 2024 Enrolments

Along with our Celebration of Learning, members of the wider community and prospective families seeking to enrol their children at SMPS will be invited to attend the School's official Open Day. This is a significant event for the School as we showcase our wonderful teachers, students and programs for prospective families. 


If you know of any family who is looking for a great school for their child, please encourage them to register their details for the event via the link on our website: register here

Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF)

Families in receipt of the Camps, Sports and Excursion Fund can now allocate the funds on Compass Billing. The Government paid those funds in April and can now be used towards the following items: 

  • Incursion/excursions levy
  • Grade 3/4 and 5/6 camp
  • Swimming and school-organised sports programs

When contributing to school payments, you can select to pay via unallocated funds which will be your CSEF money. 

It's not too late to get your application in, if you're eligible. Please visit the office for an application form. More informaiton: 

Extra Curricular Activity Quality Control Survey

Families enrolled in our after school clubs in Term 1 and 2 should receive a feedback survey via email over the next week. We are tightening up our systems and ensuring our students are provided with quality sports coaching and enriching learning programs that reflect our school and our standards. If your child is no longer enrolled in particular clubs though you wish to provide feedback, please email 

Grade 3/4 and 5/6 Camp Deposits

This year, Grade 3/4's and 5/6's will be attending the YMCA Anglesea Adventure Camp in September and October, respectively. Reminder that the $100 deposit and consent is due on Compass by Friday, June 2. 


Please log into Compass to find the relevant Camp event for more information. 

Photography Opportunity

Our wonderful school will once again be hosting a media team. This Friday (12th May), we will be welcoming a crew from the Department of Education. They will be taking photos of students and teachers for most of the day. These will be used for general stock in Department of Education and Victorian Government publications. 


The team require a small number of students from each year level, with about 30 students in total. We will be sending consent forms home with select students on Monday night. If you receive one, please read it carefully and return it promptly if you provide consent. 


Participating students will be involved for approximately 2 hours during the school day. Only students with specific consent for this photoshoot will have their photos taken. Depending on the schedule of the day, the team may be present in one class for Family Friday to take photos of parents, students and teachers together. If this is the case, parents will be asked for consent on the morning before any photos are taken.


We welcome opportunities like this as they provide our students with an experience outside their normal routines at school. Photoshoots often involve lots of language (especially following instructions) and spatial skills (especially considering how something may look from a different view). As these opportunities arise fairly regularly at SMPS, we try to ensure that different students are offered the option of participating each time.